Cluster Fuck

Date: 9/18/2019

By luciddreamswrld

I was standing by some sort of railing that separated me from the middle of the street, almost like a parade was occurring. Lots of people were standing on the sidelines with me- my friend, Joe, was there. He walked past and we started shooting the shit like we do in real life. I’m pretty sure I joked and called him my “husband”? Which is funny I guess. I remember seeing my house’s deck that my dad just painted yesterday, however there were Halloween decorations on them. There were big, beautifully carved pumpkins, and even the patio looked like it had been changed/updated too. People kept driving in and out of our driveway, and my dog ran out the front door so I had to grab her (apparently I thought it was someone else’s dog)? I was drinking wine in my dream, though the bottles were mostly empty- I drank Rose and other types, though I don’t remember what. Anyhow, I think earlier in the dream people were heading towards some sort of big mall, although it seemed as if they were going to gather supplies- I’m wondering if this is a post-apocalyptic part of the dream, which I often have. I don’t remember much else because I woke up to my cat smacking me in the face and asking for food. Now she’s cuddling me and purring, so I can’t complain!