Date: 8/3/2017
By heavydreamer
So I was at University and I think it was a really big really opulent one. I was outcasted by my friends and my family had no clue I lost my job and had no money. My friend and my boyfriend avoided me regularly and not only that but acted like they didn't know me, probably because I wore the same tye dye shirt every day (i had nothing else) it was oversized and with it i wore big loose pants and mismatching shoes. The ppl in the restaurants near by liked me and did me the favor of giving me food. my family came to visit me the first time and i hid, i told my niece that i couldnt see my mom like this. they all looked so nice, like money. my nephew was with my dad and my dad hardly recognized me but gabriel knew. fast forward, i think this was a separate dream, my nephew has the chicken pox or something. everyones itching hes jus the one with the spots. i try to help my mom take care of him but she doesnt want my help or anything to do with me. he comes out of his bath, literally spotless. all better. i get him to take his medicine. that's it.