Witches and Familiars

Date: 11/20/2016

By ShadowOwl

The dream took place in present day. I was running from a large beast that looked similar to a tiger. It was a familiar of a rival witch. I ran into my building and locked my door. I also placed a barrier around the door and deemed it safe. I then saw my familiar. He was a small spider praying mantis hybrid. I greeted him and he waved at me as I sat down to do homeowork. I didn't do much though. All I could think of was who sent the familiar to attack me. Most witches don't attack others, so this had me worried. I decided I wouldn't let it affect me and that it was time for my familiar's training. I summoned him and we went outside into the the crisp fall afternoon. My familiar took his human form to play in the leaves. I joined him for a second before I decided we needed to start training. We focused on sharing magic between the two of us and how he could give me magic. After a rather successful training session, he took his animal form and we went inside. It was dark now and I could hardly see my familiar when I placed him on the floor my house. I then realized there was another large spider on the floor. I ordered my familiar to kill it since I did not want to go near it. I thought it would be a quick fight but the other spider fought back with intelligence. Because of the darkness, I could not tell which insect was much familiar so I called for him to back away and stand on his hind legs. Surprisingly, both bugs did just that. I realized the spider was another familiar. I commanded both of them to transform into their human forms. My familiar came besides me and we both watched the spider. It changed into a young woman who had fire magic. As she was talking, I noticed she was charging up a spell. I grabbed my familiar's hand and we ran outside our home. The fire spider woman followed. We got to the edge of the property when my familiar said he wanted to fight. I told him I would channel magic into him if need be and I'd fight along side him. He declined my help with fighting, saying it'd be too dangerous for me. I respected what he said and stayed behind me. Once the spider woman was there, my familiar started attacking with magic. It was a pretty epic flight. And against my familiar's wishes, I joined the fight near the end. I casted a spell that sent the rogue familiar back to her witch. Worried about our safety, I quickly called all the witches I knew and asked if we could hold a meeting. They all agreed. At the meeting, I explained my situation. Other witches said that they were also being attacked. I noticed one powerful witch acting strangely. Not only only had she brought her familiar, but she also brought her apprentice. There was no need for an apprentice to be at this meeting. I asked my familiar to change back into his animal form and sneak over and listen to them. As soon as he got over there, he scurried back. Just as he got back over to me, there was a burst of magical energy that knocked everyone back. The witch announced that she expected everyone to surrender and revealed she was the one who had been attacking us all. She figured now was a good time to kill us since our magic had been drained from defending ourselves against her earlier attacks. While this might have been true for the other witches, I still had a lot of magic in me. And my familiar was there to boost my power. I discreetly picked up my familiar and told him and a fellow witch the plan. I'd need her to be a distraction. The with agreed and started asking the evil witch many questions. While this was happening, my familiar turned human and he and I rushed the apprentice and the familiar. They weren't expecting it. The apprentice and a force field around her which I broke through with a simple spell. While we has the advantage because of the element of surprise, the evil witch quickly heard us fighting. She came and we ceased fighting. My familiar and I were ready to take on her too. She sensed we had a lot of magic left and she and her apprentice and familiar fled. The dream ended there.