Short nap | got scared

Date: 3/19/2018

By Nuclear

I dreamt I was back in my highschool trip.. We moved between dorms and rooms easily and at small hours... I remembered I was out at like 2am, I got back into my room, everything was dark and I just closed the door behind me, I turn around and I see 4 shadows, 2 sitting on a bed, 2 standing up.. The 2 standing up characters aimed something at me... The moment my eye adjusted to the dark and I realized something was standing in front of me, my heart jumped and I screamed! And then the light flashes and I realize I accidentally entered the girl's room, and that 2 of them were just changing clothes on the bed... I closed my eyes as my hand feels my chest, my histerically beating heart, catching my breath... I realized what happened and kept my eyes shut to let them finish getting dressed. They let out a terrified little s quill when the like flashed on and then off for a single second... They thought I was a burgler or something...