I'm friends with Han Jisung now I guess (?)

Date: 11/15/2019

By HolyJisoos17

so I was a trainee at jyp and somehow travelled back in time(?) and for some reason there was mark (from NCT lol) and he was sad because he didn't do well on his school test so I was comforting him said that it's was fine and that one test won't ruin your entire life and he was like "yeah you're right.. I'm just 6 so I'm still young." and was shocked cus I thought he was 13ish hshdbhdh (he still looked the same lol just rEALLY tiny jdhdhdbd) And then my and a and friend of mine (idek why he appeared on this dream cuz he was only here for 0.2 seconds lmao) were in a "venue" and skz/3racha (I don't remember) were "performing" (it wasn't really a performance but it wasn't busking either.. look idk just imagine something lol) and my friend somehow had a skz lightstick? so I was looking at him confused and when I looked at the front Chan was like at not even an arm distance of me hshshshsbd I looked at him shocked then waved and made a heart with my hands adn said "I love you! youre the greatest leader" and he waved back and smiled so brightly after he heard what I said hshshdd and then the moment he turned away Han Jisung was STARING at me (and do you know that video of that girl fangirling over melania trump and then she realises that shinee's minho is right next to her and she MELTS? Well.. that was literally my reaction) He laughed when he saw me melting over him and then he waved and did the "V" pose and I waved and did it back. Now fast forward to the end of the performance we were leaving to the venue again and (I was already with another friend lol) me and jisung see each other and we waved and he did the Vpose again. We kept randomly seeing each other from afar in different places on the venue and each time we would wave or do the v pose. Then one of the times we were really close and he asked me "what can I call you?" and my DUMBASS heard "can I call you?" so I said yes and tured away hshshshsb🤦‍♂️ He was so confused lmao. some time passes and me and my friend were leaving the venue and he stopped us so we sat on the ground talking and so at some point he said "*sigh* I don't really know how I'll go home tonight.." and so I turned to my friend and asked her how we where going home and she said by bus so I looks at jisung and asked him if was going to the jyp building, their dorms or his actual house and started saying saying" no no no you don't have to omg no its fine you really don't I swear it's fine!! and so after that Chan called him (he also smiled and waved at me nsbsbxbx) so he said "oh I have to go now! bye! i loved talking with you! i love making new friends! I hope I'll see you again! Bye bye! Get home safely!" with the bRIGHTEST gummy smile he could ever do. kdjdjjdbdbxbbxff omg I melted (still lowkey fanboying over this dream omg)