Thomas and the babe

Date: 12/6/2018

By keikodreams

So, I just had the most bizarre dream. Somehow I was able to reproduce a child. So, yea, in the dream I have a little boy who is unnamed. I guess I’ll call him lil keiko. So, lil keiko is able to say a few words, really only “daddy”. I’m at Grandma Rose house with him and surprisingly my dad is alive in this dream. I’m not sure that he’s able to walk because he didn’t move out of his chair. So I’m showing everyone the baby and everyone is happy. My dad is more or less just quiet. But, he decides to make lil Keiko a burger. Lil keiko loves it and starts calling him daddy. It doesn’t rub me the wrong way, bc I perceive that in the dream Lil Keiko has been hanging out with him and Grandma rose previously so I’m like okay that’s kinda natural plus I look just like my dad so whatever. But he kept on doing it and he wanted to be around him more. In the dream I was lowkey irritated, but as I’m waking up now I feel weirdly at ease. For one, I rarely dream about my father and to see him in the light is even more rare. And Two it would’ve been nice to see how he would’ve interacted around a child of mine lol. He probably would have talked shit about me but idc lol. This dream made me want a child so bad and it also made me happy bc I felt like I communicated with my dad.