Love at first sight?

Date: 12/6/2017

By Galipsy

I was waiting to buy a car with my Dad. He was talking to the salesman while I looked around the lot. I understood that my Dad was rich, but he was a part of the mafia. I saw some people I went to high school with and when I turned to talk to my Dad, I was in an old grocery store I used to shop with my Mom as a kid. There was a guy who came up to me. In real life, I work with this guy. We have literally never spoken a word to each other. Dream guy smiled at me and followed me around the store while I shopped. We were flirting with each other. He asked me out on a date, and I told him no, because our Dad’s were a part of different mafias or something. The scene changed, and a girl I work with was with me. I understood that I hired her to help me get dream guy out of prison, but the prison was weird. We were in a forest and the cell he was held in was behind a water fall. He told me he had to cut me my arm so that if we were caught, he could claim that he held me hostage. We argued and then finally, I gave in. After we escaped, dream guy, dream girl I hired and I lived in a Ski resort somewhere where it snowed continuously. I remember realizing that I was dreaming, because I hate the cold and I woke up. It’s important to note that this was a dream that seemingly lasted all night. I would wake up, and when I fell back asleep, I was back to where I had left the dream.