Exes And Amusement Parks

Date: 7/24/2018

By kodokushoujo

I had a dream I took my ex out for some fun and to bond a bit; I believe I took her to an amusement park which was oriented on pirates—due to it being close to a body of water. We first went into the pool, she and I swam, but she got out earlier than I did—I'm assuming to buy a drink or snack. She looks at me and goes, "see you look cute like this with your hair up." I felt really happy she said that due to her saying in the past that I wasn't her type. I responded with, "No I'm ugly, it's just my eyes that make me look bare; I'm cute with—" she and I both say it at the same time, "eye makeup".We both moved on to the other objectives left in the park and caught our eye on this playground—I don't even know why we went in there. She holds my hand and we walk past energetic kids wrestling with the buttons and pushing themselves down water slides. We end up in a line where there is food—mostly meat-based which I couldn't eat—and she, of course, wanted some, but it looked like they were closing for the day. She walks up and grabs her a huge piece of chicken and I smile because she has always been a glutton for food.