Orphan Escape

Date: 8/10/2018

By kyle_chandler

Dream starts from the 3rd person. I am observing a guy who is very similar to Eric Andre working in a small kitchen in a restaurant playing with mashed potatoes as he works. He is shoveling them into his mouth and his friend is nearby. She is laughing at him telling him to stop because they work in a restaurant with high health food standards. He continues to do it anyway which makes her laugh more. She walks over to the counter and stands across from him. She said she liked how he did three things (I forget what they are) and he said “wow, that sounds like something you say to someone when you want to date them. She smiled and nodded at him. Something happened and he had to leave. She also left and went into another room where another girl entered. The room had a bed with a tall headboard, hidden behind which is a door that goes somewhere that is not revealed. The girls start making out. They are not lovers but just enjoy the act of sex. Girl 1 (first to appear) said that she wanted to stop doing what they were doing (hooking up) and girl 2 was confused. She said “but you love this, why would you want it to stop?” girl 1 replied “it’s cheap, and meaningless.” She really wanted to be with the boy. Girl 2 said something like “I don’t understand” and girl 1 said “i’ve shown you what’s behind that door, why won’t you go with me?” Girl 2 pauses, looking scared. She is afraid of freedom. Interrupting them, an overweight french looking man comes in. He is their caretaker but he is very abusive. He says “What are you two doing in here, haven’t I told you not to come in here?” There was a tv over the bed and for some reason it had lesbian porn on it. “Ah you’re watching this disgusting mess” he grabs girl 1 by the hair, presumably about to abuse her. The boy comes in. Fed up with the man’s abusiveness and filled with confidence from the girl telling him she would date him, he runs and tackles the man into the wall and they hit a large framed picture. The man gets up and punches the boy in the face, but the large picture, framed in metal and very heavy, falls over on the mans head and knocks him down. The boy and two girls think he is dead, as he is bleeding from his head. He is just temporarily stunned and starts to come to. They all decide to make a run for it. They run through another painting that transports them into another world. But it is just another human city, i’m not sure where. The man is hot on their tails though, and despite being overweight can run fast when he’s angry. He nearly catches up to them and grabs the boys hood of his sweatshirt but loses his grip. They run toward a subway station to hop on a train and he remains close behind. They hop on a train, and at this point in the story I have taken on the first person perspective of the boy and am making decisions about what to do. The girls and I are on the train and the doors close. We see the man outside, he missed the train but he proceeds to run alongside it as it moves only a couple hundred feet in the station to another stop. The doors on the opposite side open this time, not allowing the man to come through but letting us out. We ran down onto a walkway that led to a door. We went through the door and it took us through a series of other doors and into a building. We had no idea where we were going, just away from the man. We decided to go up the staircase in the building. We ascended several flights of stairs. The whole time girl 2 was grabbing my hood and it felt like she was trying to have me pull her up the steps because she was tired, so I ignored it. But she did it repeatedly and I told her to stop. Then I paused and said “wait a minute” I reached into my hood and found a small red circular piece of plastic that was blinking red. It was a tracker. She was pushing it to engage it, somehow she knew the man had put it there. We were on a high up floor. I threw the tracker on the ground and smashed it with my foot. Both of us freaked out on girl 2, now knowing that not only does the man know where we are, but she betrayed us. She was so terrified of the thought of freedom that she would go back to what was abusive but normal to her. Girl 1 took it especially hard and hit girl 2 in the face a couple times until she was bleeding. I told girl 1 we had to go, so I grabbed her hand and we kept ascending stairs, leaving girl 2 behind, laying on the floor bleeding. I thought that we should stop ascending stairs because we didn’t want to end up on the roof with no where to go if the man found us. We got off the stairs on one floor and there was an outside deck. I figured the man had tracked us to this building by now and was searching each floor in an ascending order. We went out to the deck and there was a restaurant there. Several people were eating at tables and staff around. It was the first people we had seen in the building so far. We ran up and asked a staff member where the elevator was. He said it was through a pair of doors on the opposite side of the deck. We went through them and found several elevator buttons but it was confusing where the elevator was. We eventually found it and took it down to the first floor. The dream ended before we got there. Some potential endings: 1. Boy and girl get to the first floor. The man is just waiting there for them. He grans them both by the hair and drags them somewhere to beat them. Girl 2 makes a reappearance and with new found confidence, sneaks up on the man with a fire hydrant and whacks him over the head with it, knocking him out. She apologizes to the others and they forgive her, and they all escape. 2. The man finds girl 2 and shows her compassion, but only fake compassion that he uses to manipulate her into helping him. He twists her mind and plays with her emotions in a father role to get her to help him find the others. Emotionally weak and vulnerable, she does. More chasing ensues.