Lost in France

Date: 4/16/2019

By eyepatchbear

Between 8:15M and 9:15AM on April 16, 2019. It was a dream following Archer along on a spy adventure where he falls in love with a dude, but suddenly I'm in the same position, having fallen in love with this kpop guy, I'm going around with him on tour. We get to Paris and the tour ends so I live with him in this apartment above an old lady and her daughter's shop. Mom and Zac come to visit, and mom's upset I didn't mention this dude sooner but she's happy for me and wants me to come home for a little while. I agree, so I start to follow them to their hotel and we get on a bus but I get separated because I hop off at a random stop and I realize I have no phone and no actual way to remember how to get to their hotel, which I had stayed at previously. In my head it was a hotel in Lille but it was still within driving distance of Paris. So I start chasing after the bus and eventually just start walking hoping that I'll recognize the area because the bus was too quick. So after missing the bus at it's next stop I'm in a large park/playground area outside of Paris. There's a marvel-themed kid's drama production happening and there's a really awesome playground thing that's like a swiss ski lift but manual powered, but I walk underneath to the road and just start walking to trh and regain my bearings, and I recognize the road heading back to the hotel so I start walking along it thinking about my new Korean bf and about my family and a voiceover between 2 hollywood actors pops into my head of them playing two characters, one with a family and one thinking about starting a family, and that's where I wake up.