Weird Sci-Fi “Alien” Thing... Idek what to call this

Date: 4/17/2021

By ItsABlackCat

This dream is for some reason super vivid in my mind. I have no idea what to call it but for sure it seemed to have some sort of coherent “plot” or something. The first part I remember is waking up in a weird room(?). I don’t know what’s happening. I’m not particularly SCARED, I’m just confused and a little worried / “I need to get out of here” type vibes. But not super scary or anything. The room is definitely futuristic or Sci-fi. It seems larger than it is and confusing, parts of the walls are glass or maybe mirrors making everything seem like it bends into strange places and goes out longer than I know it probably does. One side of the room has a mostly solid, plain-colored wall, gray or white— the room is lit by bluish lighting / the glass of the other walls is blue tinted so it’s hard to tell what the color really would be. I’m closer to the normal wall than the others which for some reason makes me feel like I’m getting ready to leave; I realize I’m sitting in this weird floating row of seats, white seats connected simply like a roller coaster row. I wasn’t strapped in but the seat was deep so I was pretty secured. In the other four seats beside me there were other kids, just random kids of random ages and looks, nothing really in common with me besides the fact that they were kids. However the others appear to be asleep or something. Not dead; I can see color in their cheeks and they’re breathing. But they’re definitely not waking up any time soon. I get out of the seats and spot a little gap near the front corner of the room, it looks like a tiny maintenance hallway; it reveals metal walls and some wiring or whatever in between and leads out into another room I can’t quite see. Luckily I’m pretty small so I can squeeze through with no effort. On the other side is a much more comfortable and less-ominous room. It’s mostly white with modern, clean/smooth floors and walls, a plain modern couch against one wall and a glass coffee table type thing in front of the couch. To either side of the room are doorways leading into other rooms. The ceiling is strange, it emits light but I don’t see any LEDs or anything; it’s just glass. I think I can spot stars through the glass... But more importantly there are two adult people in the room on the couch. One of them, a lady who is built slightly large (big-boned, not fat) and another who is thinner and has high cheekbones. The bigger lady tells me to come sit next to her. I do. I don’t know what’s happening but I figure if these ladies have me here disobeying without knowing anything would be a bad idea. Plus they were just sitting, I didn’t see any weapons and didn’t feel like anything bad would happen. When I sit down she kind of puts an arm around me and I feel weirdly touch starved. I actually lean into her cause she’s warm. I start to think something like “maybe they don’t wanna hurt me...? This is nice.” Apparently I was alone for a while if I was this touch starved but whatever. The ladies talk but I don’t understand much. I’m kind of spacing out. I get the feeling that I’m different from the other kids which is why I’m awake. The ladies give a vibe that they’ll be watching me but that it’s not necessarily in a bad way. Then they lead me down the halls until we enter a larger hallway-like room. It’s kinda pretty. The ceiling is glass and reveals a ton of stars like we’re in space. The main walkway is the same plain floor and goes straight across to another doorway. On either side are little nature-like areas but they’re super clean and trimmed and stuff. Above the walkway every few feet or so is a bridge connecting another walkway which is raised sorta like a balcony. Up there I can see some sort of showcases, but the glass is tinted and I can’t see behind it from where I am. They lead me across through the doorway into another room which reminds me of a lobby or something. It’s large with a little center area, pretty boring ngl, and there’s doors lining two of the walls with another doorway at the end that seems to lead into some sort of school-like area— When I say school area I mean it entirely changes. The hallway looks like a school hallway, slightly cleaner but otherwise normal (the same tiled floor, attempted “fun” walls, doors with little room numbers and adults walking to and from). The actual main “lobby” room I’m in now (I’m calling it a lobby lol) has a few people in it. One is an adult lady who seems nicer than the others, I can’t describe how. She reminds me of a nice teacher. She’s near the doorway I just entered and is standing near the corner. One or two kids are sitting on the floor in front of her listening to her saying something. Other kids are going in and out of the doors on either side of the hall which I’m guessing are bedrooms of some sort. One kid has a blanket clutched in his arms. Another has a teddy bear. Most kids are younger than me— the oldest seems to be maybe 14 with the average appearing to be maybe 10 or 12. None are younger than 6 if I had to guess. When I enter I feel like a new kid at school, kinda shy and embarrassed when the teacher lady and a few of the kids turn to look. Again I’m kind of spaced out and don’t really pay attention when the one lady introduces me to the teacher lady. The teacher lady says hello kindly and invites me to follow her. She takes me to a room and tells me this is where I’ll stay. I have a roommate, a girl maybe 12-14 years old, she’s kinda short and a little on the stockier side with messy hair down to her shoulders and a missing tooth. She has a small blanket thing clutched in her hand. The beds are simple, metal frames with wilted mattresses and only sheets, and small pillows. The room itself is small but not cramped and there’s a bathroom area to one side with a dresser table thing in between the beds. The teacher leaves and so does the lady and then I’m alone. I’m wondering where I am. The girl talks to me and she seems a bit... off. Kinda crazy but I’m only slightly scared of her, mostly I decide to be her friend although she doesn’t seem to know what that is. She’s willing enough though. I talk with her as nicely as possible and find it’s easier than expected to joke around, she’s a bit violent but that’s fine, I have a bit of a dark humor anyways. I wonder what we’re here for and she seems confused, I begin to secretly wonder if she’s been here so long she’s forgotten why... It reminds me of the mental hospital a bit. I decide my first order of business is figuring out why I’m here and what we’re doing. Sooner or later we’re all called out into the hallway. The teacher talks to us and says we’re playing a game. Then all of a sudden a fight breaks out and soon all the kids are participating like it’s some fun game while the teacher scrambles to stop them. My “friend” immediately jumps in, excited to get violent I guess. She reaches her hand into her blanket and pulls out... A LITERAL KNIFE. I’m like OKAY WTF and then she jumps on me, stabs me, and laughs, saying something like “you lose! Wow, you’re bad at this, don’t worry you’ll get better.” At first I’m so scared cause I just got stabbed— she pulls the knife out and runs around “playing” with the others (who are strangling and beating the other kids kind of brutally... luckily my friend seems to be one of the few with an actual weapon). I feel blood but there isn’t really any when I look down. It feels so weird, it feels weirder than it does painful, and after a few seconds I realize I’m fine somehow. That’s when I figure, maybe us kids somehow can’t die? After all the kids are like literally murdering each other like a game but we all seem fine. Eventually the teacher calms us down and we go back to our day which is surprisingly free, we can play and there doesn’t seem to be much of a schedule (my friend explains that I arrived on their “free day” of the week). That night when most kids are in their rooms I go out into the hallway that I entered through. The thinner lady from earlier is waiting. I get strange flashbacks.... My grandma dragging me here, frantically. My pop-pop in that very hallway (though it seems different somehow...) taking me as if I’m in danger. Then I see flashes of their heads laying on the end of the hall under the first bridge... The lady takes me to the balcony and across the bridges to the showcase area. In the showcase are human heads. In horror I see my grandparents’ heads near the end. The lady doesn’t explain much and I’m still confused. I get flashes of memory: I had parents, I lived somewhere... where was I now? What was happening? And who was this lady? I got the feeling she wasn’t like me. Maybe she wasn’t human. At this point I’m getting “Promised Neverland” vibes. Anyways the day continues and I get the feeling I’m different, if only because I’m new. My grandparents sacrificed themselves so I could be here... or perhaps they sacrificed themselves trying to save me from here, but failed. Either way I don’t feel particularly in danger. Number one I was stabbed earlier and didn’t die. Two, the lady seemed to imply that I was “special” somehow, that all the kids were, that’s why we were here. I wondered if it was an experiment. We’re we being raised and trained as soldiers? Kept prisoners? Being used like lab rats? Something else? I find myself returning to the hallway, though I know I wouldn’t be able to escape in any way so I just sit there in the quiet. One time my friend follows me there and tells me she knows a secret. She shows me a small gap in the wall like I found at the beginning which leads to a back room — it gives me Portal vibes— then she takes me up what looks like a maintenance ladder and we squeeze out into the balcony. I tell her the truth, for some reason I like / trust her. I almost want to explain how I feel something is off but I don’t know how to begin so I just talk with her and somehow I start to feel a connection like she’s a sister or something. I want to protect her. Which sounds funny cause she’s so violent but... at the same time I feel she doesn’t even realize anything’s weird here. Later we, as a group of kids, are taken to some sort of computer lab area. There’s a guy in the front. We all sit in chairs behind our own little computer screens. For some reason I can’t spell my own last name and I struggle so hard which frustrates me a little bit. Then the guy starts talking and plays a video like the stupid old explanation videos they played in school. My friend, who’s sitting next to me (we’re in the back row) says something and I laugh. The teacher shushes me and I feel mixed feelings. First I feel embarrassed like I would in normal school. Then I’m like... bruh this isn’t normal school and get kinda pissed.