Forgotten memories

Date: 8/14/2023

By cesarsald

There were many parts last night of connecting and non-connecting dreams but i'll just record what I can remember because I can feel myself forgetting them. For some reason I decided to go on a trip to the west side of the united states. There I started on a camping trip with different things to do but forgot what I was doing. At some point my dad comes with my younger sister and we decide to camp out. Before night when we set up our camp a neighboring group decided to try and say they want our camping gear. I basically scream and announce this to everyone nearby stopping the people from engaging anymore and we go to sleep. It was night and we decided we needed to leave before they tried something. We pack things up but forget the cooler but my dad says it's not worth it and it's ok. We start driving off and visit this gigantic highschool for I guess theater kids. My dad drops off me and my sister and we start walking around and go inside here as we're walking people start to notice me and are calling out my name. I'm just confused cause I've never seen them or talked to any of them. At this point my sister tells me it's because I have forgotten memories of this place and I'm just shocked because how does she know and just randomly tell me now. At this point the view shifts over like a movie to a guy called frankie or something and he's climbing a rail up to a higher floor where he enters a bathroom. Here he starts transforming into different people and colors while doing monologue for himself about how I'm back kinda like a villain. Cut back to me and my sister it's now night and we start walking back to the parking lot walking through playgrounds. The entire time my sister is mentioning the past and how I was known around here. She also talks about how everyone has abilities and that was how I lost my memories cause she erased them even tho I don't know why. As we are walking back there are also security guards in golf carts patrolling so we hide when they come close by. As we get closer to the car she even mentions that I had a whole group I was close with and how much they probably miss me. At this point I can feel like things are missing in my memories. We pass by the group she mentioned of 3 girls and 1 guy and I just call out their names for fun to see if they notice. The only names i remember calling out were Lillie and Hannah. They were just surprised and would say "Cesar is that you?". When I got to my dads car they all came up and were happy, surprised, and a bit mad. They kept saying so now you show up and things like that. Hannah or Lillie the head of the group kept mentioning how i should stay at the school. I said I couldn't because of almost finishing college and such. They kept getting mad and eventually left but I wanted my erased memories back. I kept bugging my sister about it and she gave in and told me about someone who can bring them back. I then walk over to this tub of water and ice where I am then knocked out and I am watching myself in a 3rd person view. Some big guy comes out and then starts performing massages on me and I'm weirded out but can't do anything. Then after a while he stops and a girl comes out who also was part of the group from earlier but decided to hide herself. It turned out she was the one that could bring my memories back and the big dude giving me a massage was just payback for not remembering her and the group. She then does something to start bringing back my memories and I start having flashbacks to a time when I was younger and forgot about. I saw myself with long curly hair that I don't remember at all and i'm in an open market in mexico with my younger brother and sister as well as my grandpa. I can see myself talking but don't know what it's about and more memories flash by. It eventually stops and I wake up but still don't remember much because I guess it will slowly come back to me. I then head to the car with my sister and dad and we start heading home. On the way home i start thinking about the memories and the group I used to know and then wake up.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, you start by going on a trip to the west side of the United States. This may symbolize a desire for exploration, adventure, or a change in scenery in your waking life. However, you forget your purpose for the trip, suggesting confusion or a lack of direction in your current endeavors. Your father and younger sister join you on the camping trip, representing family support and the need for connection and companionship. The neighboring group attempting to take your camping gear symbolizes a potential threat or challenge that disrupts your sense of safety or stability. Your reaction to this situation, by screaming and alerting others, highlights your ability to assert yourself and protect what is important to you. As you drive off and visit a gigantic high school for theater kids, this may indicate a desire for creative expression, self-discovery, or exploring different aspects of your personality. The fact that people in the school recognize and call out your name, even though you don't recognize them, suggests hidden or forgotten memories related to this environment. Your sister's revelation about your forgotten memories and her claim that she erased them implies a sense of mystery, longing, and a desire to regain lost parts of your past. The transformation of a guy named Frankie into different people and colors while speaking a monologue may represent inner conflicts, identity exploration, or the existence of multiple facets within your personality. The mention of being a "villain" suggests some internal guilt or self-perceived negativity. As you and your sister walk back to the car at night, passing by playgrounds and hiding from security guards, it signifies a feeling of vulnerability and the need to navigate challenges discreetly. The reference to a group you were close with in the past and the interaction with Lillie and Hannah highlight the importance of social connections and the longing for acceptance and belonging. Your resistance to stay at the school despite the urging of your friends may reflect a conflict between your desire for personal growth and your responsibilities or commitments outside of this context. The tub of water and ice where you are knocked out represents a symbolic transition or surrender to the process of reclaiming your lost memories. The big guy performing massages on you can be seen as a metaphor for someone helping you relax, release tension, and work through emotional barriers. The girl who brings your memories back represents a catalyst or guide in this process. The flashbacks to the market in Mexico with your family suggest a significant time in your childhood or past experiences that have been buried or forgotten. The dream ends with you still in the process of remembering, symbolizing that the recovered memories may gradually return to your consciousness. Your journey home in the dream may mirror the transition from the dream state to waking life, where you begin to reflect on the memories and contemplate their significance. Overall, this dream suggests a longing for self-discovery, the need for connection and support, and the desire to regain lost parts of yourself. It may reflect unresolved emotions, conflicts, or hidden aspects of your past that are influencing your current experiences and relationships.