Coolest dream ever

Date: 8/28/2018

By Djpawn3

This dream starts and I’m in a facility. I live there with a bunch of other people. Mostly everyone who is kept there have special traits I forgot the other peoples traits but I was a seer. So I could see the future sometimes. So one day Idk if I set the bomb or if it just happened but I knew a bomb was going to go off in the facility. So I grabbed my friend Ashley and ran with her outside. When we got outside we were in the city and there was an unnormal amount of rats everywhere so we ran away from the facility. The boss of the facility got pissed that we were trying to escape so he sent a bounty hunter after us. We bumped into the bounty hunter and saw that he had some cool gun that froze peoples body’s so we ran but we weren’t fast enough. He froze us and started dragging us back. However before we entered I convinced him to unfreeze me for a minute. We had a nice conversation and I got into a better position. Then he dragged us back into the facility I was pretty convinced that he would turn to our side and help us escape eventually. We were taken right to the boss where we were unfrozen. He started guessing what traits we had and I remembered that seers were super valuable and important so I revealed that I was a seer in hopes of not being killed. The end