Date: 12/24/2016
By kidneypunch
Dream 1: I can't really remember much of this dream, but I do remember that there was a dragon in it and I was some kind of fairy creature that was trying to help it. Dream 2: Can't exactly remember how it started (Honestly I don't think it really had a beginning, or morphed from another dream.) but I found myself walking with a bunch of kids into this really strange building. (Throughout the dream it could be changed at anytime. Like I remember going into one child's bedroom and I couldn't get through cause the walls were too close, so I pushed them further apart.) I came to realize that the children were mine (foster home or what not. Not sure.) and I began getting them ready for supper and bed. Most of the older kids had helped with the younger kids, getting them ready, and I remember one of the older children saying something was wrong with their window, so I followed them to go fix it. I guess it was later, and I was on a date with this guy. Everything was going really well and when I came home, I talked to this lady, (My mother, or something.) and I was explaining how the man had proposed to me and I was terrified that the children wouldn't like it. (The ring had a clover and a heart on it.) It had turned into later again, and I was outside the house with my husband (same guy) and we were talking about something. As we were talking, a brick came out of no where and ended up smashing into my head. (It showed myself all bloody on the ground n stuff.) Later again, and My husband and I were sitting outside the house as it was being stripped of everything. We were completely helpless and our children were gone. (not dead.) That's when both of us and a few others decided to get back at who did this to us. I woke after that. Dream 3: The dream had started out with myself and Miya at this amusement park. Or we were on a train or something looking at the amusement park. As that was happening, I found myself on the ride with Miya. I remember we both were having fun and the ride got more intense where I was terrified for Miya. (Mind you she's six.) Something had happened to my car and I was flung from the seat. I landed on the ground, thankfully alive, but I had broken my back. (Wasn't paralyzed either, thank heavens.) Everyone gathered around me to see if I was alright, and I told them that they had to keep an eye on Miya. Then I remember Danny coming into the picture, and saying he couldn't stay because there were other rides that he wanted to go on, (He'd never do that, but holy dick move lol). I remember getting up and doing something, (It was me talking with the long island medium and having a weird session... and rainbows.) and I found myself inside a hotel where there was a wedding as well as someone showing off a baby. I remember walking (More like struggling to limp) past them and they were all concerned and troubled that I was even out of the hospital. I ignored them and continued walking until I found Danny. (He way laying with another lady, another thing he'd never do lmao) I remember I got really mad, and suddenly found myself doing something with this powder. I made my way out of the hotel, (which turned into a house.) and I found myself killing some people and setting the house on fire. (I guess only the bridal shower group was in the building.) I found myself in this building later, and I was trying my best to get to this salon. As I went in there, I had my hair dyed pink (Which I was gonna be doing soon lol) and had things done to my face. (basically concealing who I was.) After I had the work done, I remember getting on an elevator which happened to be right next to Danny's and as he was trying to figure out if it was me, I smirked at him. I exited the elevator before he could do anything, and made my way towards the exit to get my car. (Which I guess I stole.) I ended up being on the run for a while, and found myself living in hotels to keep from getting caught. I found out that the FBI were close to catching me and gathered my things from the hotel. (The hotel was Halloween themed. And entirely purple lol) As I left the building, I noticed that Danny was outside and was watching me. That's when I knew that the FBI was there. Suddenly I was thrown into a huge commotion and in the process, I got Danny in the car and we were able to lose the FBI. That's when Danny told me that the reason he was sharing the pull out couch with the girl was because the bed he was supposed to lay in was covered in spiders. (He's terribly frightened of them.) That's when I woke up.