A Random Romance (Long and detailed)

Date: 9/3/2017

By QuietQueen

(Sometimes I dream about completely random people and things that don't exist, and I don't really understand how it's possible. So this preface is to say that I don't know any of these people or locations in real life.)           I have a group of about five friends. They are all dressed like 80's-90's Goth. There are three girls including myself, and two guys. One of the girl's is super into me, extremely flirty and sometimes not so subtly hits on me. In those moments, I blush. Ultimately I decide to ask her out, considering that she is the prettiest girl in our group. Honestly, she looks like April O'Neil from the 1991 film "Ninja Turtles 2: the secret of the ooze". Although I'm quite afraid to ask her out since I've never dated another woman, I grow a pair. She says yes, however nothing really changes or progresses between us. I would be wanting to kiss her or hold her hand, but she'd have her nose in some occult book so I'd never bother her. I was very depressed by this, so I just kept my distance from her. One day, we were all walking somewhere, and the back of my skirt wouldn't stay tied. I sigh to myself, reach behind me and fumble with the strings to tie it while trying to keep up with the rest of a group. I can feel myself choke back tears since I just seem to be having a pretty shit day. Suddenly I feel hands on my hips, firmly grabbing me, stopping me from walking. I put my hands up, in a "I surrender" pose, unaware of who might be touching me. But then I feel the tight grip of the hands on my hips loosen and begin tying my skirt. I peak over my shoulder to see one of the men in our group. Although he and I see eachother every day in the group, we've never spoken to one another. All I know about him is that he is very slightly taller than me with ginger/blonde hair and a beard. And he's an immigrant from Finland with a pure Nordic bloodline, and he has a very strong accent. As he's finishes tying my skirt, I can feel him press up behind me while he holds my hips again. In my head, I'm thinking "what the fuck is up with this guy??" But my body reacts positively to his touch, sending goosebumps down my arms, legs, and neck. I had never been held this way, and for seemingly no reason, so it just made me feel good inside. He whispers something in my ear that I cannot remember, and then just walks quickly to catch up with the rest of the group.           Now we are all at some sort of roof top party with little to no other people. The two other girls in our group have no shirts on for whatever reason, so I can clearly see they both have their nipple pierced. I rolled my eyes hard at seeing these girls flaunt themselves like this and questioned why they even want to be in our group if they're just going to act like typical whores. Annoyed, I walk to a secluded part of the rooftop which is covered by curtains. The sun is setting, and I just look out into the horizon beginning to cry. I'm questioning the type of people I'm spending so much time with, and I'm pissed that I'd allow myself to fall for a girl who literally doesn't care about me. Suddenly, the Nordic guy peaks through the curtain and sits beside me. He doesn't talk, and I don't either. I feel his hand touch the back of my neck and as I turn to look at him, he presses his lips against mine. We both instinctually stand up and he holds me tight and kisses me deeply. In that moment, I totally forget about the other girl and just focus on him. I can't really remember what happens right after this, but I know that at some point, my "girlfriend" gets extremely angry at me for hooking up with the Nordic guy. She yells at me in front of everyone in our group, and I yell back at her for acting like a slut at the party and ignoring my existence. Everyone is shocked to hear me raise my voice, since I barely spoke in general. She storms off, and Nordic guy officially asks to court me. Of course, I accept.           Later on, I'm in some sort of house which is supposedly extremely haunted with demonic spirits. I go into the basement which looked like a child's bedroom. The vibe is just scary there. And suddenly I feel as though there is someone behind me. I get very weak kneed and feel faint, as my vision cuts in and out. I man appears in front of me and laughs at me, as though he "caught me". My heart just about explodes as I try to run back upstairs, but there is some sort of force field holding me back. I lose my ability to run and pass out. That's as much as I can remember.