Toxic waste nightmare

Date: 3/9/2022

By lauriemae

I was at my grandma's with my dad and uncle. All three are normally very passive. This is very important to know for the dream. I had been over visiting them and needed to go home soon. I wasn't sure if my dad or uncle would be taking me but I thought probably my dad. While I was getting my things together, my dad and uncle started to argue. They started to be very mean, which was completely out of character. After a bit it just kept escalitatimg and I felt unsafe. They ended up leaving and I didn't even ask where they were going, I just was glad they were gone. I took that opportunity to get me and my grandma out of there. I was really starting to worry that one of them might hurt us. So me and Grammy got unto her car and I started driving toward my house. I figured we could stay there for a little bit and figure things out. A bit into the drive, my grandma started acting wierd and it was getting worse. To the point that she was being just like mean and angry, just like them and I was getting worried for my safety. So I told her I needed to make a quick stop and luckily she didn't question me. I was so freaked out by this point I missed the exit, so took the next one. Next thing I know, we aren't in the car anymore and I just trying to get away from all of them. At this point, it was dangerous and they were really going to hurt me. A friend of mine had texted me and asked me if I know anything about something wierd going on, I responded that, yes, I did and it was happening to my family. But never responded to him after that. After a bit of just trying to escape, we were talking to some people in the bad part of town. I don't really remember much details after this. Next thing I know, it's just me and Grammy again and whatever was going on seemed to be over. So I took her back to her place and my dad and uncle were back at the house. They seemed back to normal and didn't seem to remember what had happened and how they had been acting. That or they didn't seem to care. Either way, they seemed back to normal. Then we had found out some toxic waste had been dumped nearby and that somehow had effected them like this. It must have been cleaned up since they were back to normal. Next thing I know we are all three near my house. For some reason we had parked a good ways from my house, even though we had a driveway. We were just starting to walk to my home when I told them that it would probably be too far for Grammy and we should just drive to my driveway. Just then I saw a 4 wheeler coming toward us on the street and recognized it as my friend who had texted me earlier. He was worried since I never responded after the last text. I told him it was all good now and it had been toxic waste that had caused them to act crazy. I woke up thinking toxic waste. I know there was way more to the dream and the whole getting away part, but this is all I can recall.