
Date: 1/27/2018

By tiptipkitten

I was with my youth rally and we formed a giant circle with the youth leader (YL) at one end. YL said some things I can’t remember then held up a book about tocos that he made himself and told everyone to read it and then pass it down the circle. I was going to be almost last because I was to the right of him and he pasted it left. While I was waiting I talked with my two friends Wesley (Wes) and Ethan. Wes held up a magazine with a tropical island and asked what I thought it was (he didn’t know either) I said “Bermuda?...no that’s probably not it” he shook his head no then agreed and I said maybe “Bahamas?” Again he decided no and then I remembered a song that went like this ‘Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty moma (this part I can’t remember well) -way down in Kokomo. Then I said to him “maybe Kokomo?” He thought about it and agreed. Then all of a sudden I could actually see the island in the distance and we were traveling to it. (Here gets fuzzy) I guess we got to the island then picked out rooms. Then I was lance from voltron with Keith about to go swimming. I said some sort of funny line of dialogue with Keith and then I was myself again and Keith turned into my friend Bailey. As we were jogging through the pool area I kept pulling my jacket over my swimsuit because I was embarrassed but then we got to the pool we wanted (in the back next to a fence) and got in. I don’t remember exactly what I was wearing but I wasn’t wearing my jacket anymore and I was being really clumsy. (Sadly it gets fuzzy again as Bailey speaks, I’ll just write what comes after) I fell again as Bailey was talking and I saw I bee under water (the water was hard to move in) and I tried to motion to Bailey to stop what she was about to do (I think we’re playing some sort of game) she didn’t see the sign and gave me a push. The dead bees body was being pulled along with the water as I was shoved to the side and I freaked out and turned away to see a wasp. I was about to do something to escape but then I woke up (I guess the fear did it because I woke up a lot earlier then usual).