Sleeping in line

Date: 9/17/2019

By IndridCold

I was in a line of people, like on an exit ramp. Yet we were on foot and not in cars. It was very sunny outside and I was wearing a white sweater and sunglasses. We were next to a steep rock wall, and I was leaning against it, asleep. I was kind of watching the scene from inside my sleeping self and also from 3rd person. I also had a Walkman on. I was listening to an electronic disco song that I was really into in the dream. At one point I was in an apartment that might have been mine, or an apartment I shared with family members. I was looking in a drawer and everything in that drawer was colored red. I remember several red folders. There was also a metal shelf, I looked on this shelf and saw these goggles that could light up like flashlights. I took them because I wanted to use them later, for what I cannot remember. I stepped outside my apartment, and literally right outside my door was the interior of a mall. There were people sitting at small round tables right outside my door. I tried to lock the door of my apartment stealthily, but I don’t think I was very successful. I noticed a short haired blonde man to my left sitting by himself and I wondered if he was spying on me. Later on, I ran into Dandee, somewhere in the mall. He was singing and he had a good singing voice. He was singing what I think was a melody from that band The Drums. Then we both heard someone else in the mall imitating him. We looked around and finally up on the second floor we saw that the singer was this guy whom we hadn’t seen in a long time. He was (almost) this Asian friend of mine who is very short, always wears suits, and is a drug dealer. Someone said “he has a cane” and as he came down the stairs I saw that he was waking with a cane because he had broken a leg.