Fighting an evil video game aw a teenage mutant ninja turtle

Date: 3/5/2022

By natassja666

I don’t remember very much but in my first dream I had this best friend who looked sort of like Pamela Anderson in barbed wire lol and we were extremely gay for each other and would always be kissing and cuddling and did literally everything together. In my second dream I worked with the teenage mutant ninja turtles. I saw these drunk girls playing a arcade video game machine and they had been up all night playing it and seemed like they couldn’t stop even though they were exhausted. I looked and noticed it wasn’t plugged in and has a really bad feeling and forced them away. The second I did it began talking in a deep evil robotic voice and moving towards me. I kicked it as hard as I could but it didn’t seem to do anything and I knew all of the teenage mutant turtles were asleep (in the building I was currently in) and was trying to yell for them to hear me and wake up but it wasn’t working and I didn’t know if I could take this big machine on my own