Digital art, Imagine exploring a house with your family that has a strange mix of styles and leads to a bustling little market, pubs and venues - all hidden behind a heavy door.

Househunting misadventures

Date: 2/6/2023

By MsBananaNanner

I was touring houses for sale, and my parents came along with me. We went to this one which was being shown by the owner. It was this big huge building that was in some ways industrial looking, but some details almost looked like a castle, and it just seemed very odd and out of place. For whatever reason we entered through a back window which went right into the master bathroom and then the master bedroom. Once again the inside seemed like an eclectic mishmash of styles like the outside. There were elements of gold filigree and marble in the bathroom, but then very 1960s mod in the bedroom. Then there was a little study area that was very Victorian gothic which I really loved. We continued on to the living area and it was just straight unrenovated 1970s with faded wood paneling and not the greatest carpets. Then we came to the staircase and loft which overlooked the first floor. It was this huge lobby-like area with a gigantic wall of windows. Very modern and industrial and kind of a hotel feel. The owner was excited to walk us through each area explaining that he liked to make every room a different time period. He took us down the stairs and we wound through various hallways until we got to this heavy door. He pushed it open and right on the other side was a bustling little market with all kinds of vendors and shops. Apparently the house was just slotted into a chunk of a giant factory building that had been primarily renovated as a community center type space. I thought it was kind of odd to have so many strangers essentially always right outside your door but I also thought it was kind of cool, and certainly would be pretty convenient. Then the owner guy left, presumedly to go show someone else around, so we decided to explore the rest of the building some more. Somehow we wound up in some basement levels where there were pubs and different venues. We found some dinner and then headed off to these giant utility elevators that we assumed must be the ones to use since we couldn’t find any others. They were pretty big, probably 15 square feet or so. My mom and I went in, but then my dad got distracted by some other people who had shown up and they kept being all “no you go first” for too long that they all missed it and the doors shut with only me and my mom inside. We sighed but shrugged. The elevator lurched to a start and it was quite loud. It was only then that we noticed the sign on the inside of the door talking about some sort of weight limit or loading instructions or something. I can’t quite remember what it said but whatever it was we suddenly realized we hadn’t done it properly. As the elevator climbed, the door and wall from the far end started slowly coming at us, shrinking the space. My mom and I looked to each other trying not to panic. We pressed up against the back wall and held our breath as the wall basically crushed right up against us and we only had about a foot of space on the ground to stand. It was getting extremely claustrophobic and I wondered if it was just going to crush us and kill us. Thankfully, though, it slowly started to recede again and we felt the elevator lurch to a stop. The wall went back to its normal place and the door opened to let us out. We breathed a huge sigh of relief when we stepped out into the sun. My dad was already there waiting for us as he’d gone off to find stairs when he missed the elevator. We tried to relate our experience but he thought it was weird and not that believable. We walked through a bunch of cement walls and roads which connected the building to a parking garage. It didn’t look too well cared for and there was graffiti in places. Didn’t smell super great either but not unbearable. We were comparing our notes on how we liked the place and whether or not it was a good option for me to put an offer on. My mom didn’t think it felt safe enough, but my dad wanted to give it a chance. I looked questioningly at my dad and asked “wait, how much did you think this place costs?” He said he thought it was in my budget and that’s why we looked at it and I answered, “dad, it’s 10,000 sqft. It’s not gonna be in my budget.” He countered with saying “well it wasn’t completely renovated, you saw all the 70s stuff. He tried to play it off as intentional but it was clearly just the part he hadn’t renovated yet.” So I pulled up the Zillow listing to prove to my dad that it was definitely not in my budget and lo and behold, it was in fact 32 million dollars. I was actually a little bummed because for all it’s flaws I kind of liked the house and all the potential it had.

AI generated interpretation This dream could be interpreted as a reflection of your own feelings of uncertainty and insecurity as you are searching for a place to call your own. The house is a metaphor for your life; the eclectic mix of styles and the fact that it's slotted into a larger factory building could symbolize your attempt to find a place in the world. The fact that you enter through the back window and find yourself in the master bedroom could indicate that you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by your current situation and that you are trying to find a way to take control of your life. Your parents accompanying you on the journey could reflect your need for their support and guidance. The owner's enthusiasm for the house could symbolize the potential you feel for yourself and the opportunities that await you. The fact that the house was too expensive for you could be a sign that you are trying to make the best of what is available to you and that you need to remember to remain realistic about your goals and ambitions.