Date: 11/4/2020
By ladydmj
I was in a kind of ‘frat house’ & we were in these cages.. it was like a pub, but the tables were all in a separate big box cage, which were stacked on top of each other really precariously. At one point I was really high up & felt really unstable, like they were all gong to topple over. I climbed down & was wearing this overly sexy red ball gown & it felt kind of weird & hanging out with a bunch of other girls dressed similarly, in the middle of the room.. Then I was going Around meeting people & these people came in & introduced themselves as Ricky Lake & her brother! Random! Then it was like I was working at the bar & I was teaching people how to use the coffee machine. Next I was doing some kind of work experience in a kind of political talk & had to take notes from the speaker with a friend. We got up to go to the toilet & were held up for ages by some traffic works. When we got back I realised we’d fucked up by both going together & missing most of the talk. My boss came up to me and asked if I’d got everything & I decided I had to lie & say I did. She asked if I could send over the article in an hour & I was like.. uh.. maybe in a couple of hours.. I decided we needed to try to blag one of the others to let us take a copy of their notes & we began chatting to them & working out which one to target. They started up some banter about seeing us in the red dresses & I was like.. oh they were stupid, I don’t usually wear those kind of things. We were walking back & my friend spotted a guy & shouted a famous designers name.. I recognised his face.. he was dressed partially clown like & another famous guy in similar dress then met him & they kissed.