A Strange Dream about being an Anthropomorphic Grape Vine and Encountering Different Versions of Myself During a Random Graduation

Date: 12/26/2019

By fluffytree

I had a strange dream that started off with me being in a field of tall yellow grass and I was an anthropomorphic grape vine in the midst of other anthropomorphic grape vines as well. We were all scared because today was the day we were to be chosen by our human keepers or tossed aside. Being tossed was the same as death to us. Our keepers were all tall old white women with dark glasses on who strongly resembled one of my kindergarten teachers. She was also a cruel mean lady actually. We're standing there and alarms begin to sound as if a tornado is coming but then we get attacked by a bunch of bats. Some of us get grabbed up and eaten and I forget that we're grapes so of course they would feed on us. I'm just terrified thinking why are they doing this. Shortly afterwards the judgment happens and our keepers begin choosing which grape vines they want on their camp. Everyone else got chosen except me. I felt sad but not surprised. Then a muscular black man in sunglasses and a red beret and military fatigues on comes out of nowhere and calls to me. He's holding an AK-47 so I thought the punishment for exclusion was to be shot now but it was even worse. I was to be burned on the face by a hot iron before being banished so no one else would want me. At this point I started freaking out but suddenly became lucid and remembered there's no pain in dreams. So he burned my face and then everyone began leaving. The scene changed to the interior of a kitchen and I was now a sentient plastic bag floating around. When people would come around I would rest on the counter and disguise myself as an ordinary bag. I saw some old familiar faces from high school too like Sheldon B and Courtney. The dream scene changed once more where I was now wearing a black graduation cap and gown apparently graduating from something or another. I was with a class and it became quite strange because instead of simply calling our names and accepting our degree/diploma or whatever our names would be called and then a scenario would play about who the person was. It was like we would be able to watch people's memories together. When my name was called it became rather random what was happening in my mind. One moment we were seeing the cast from Family Matters and then the next we were in a garage and a bunch of different versions of myself were around and I was being celebrated as a person. The different "Me's" were all wearing something different. Some were dressed quite sharp while others wore athletic gear and were clearly sports players of some kind. But looking at their mannerisms all of them had my same personality but seemed less afraid to show themselves and I loved it. I got to admire myself from the outside and see what other people see and I realized how pointless it is to be shy all the time because there's no reason why anyone wouldn't like me. Often I struggle with self-esteem issues irl so this scene meant alot to me. After the celebration was over I left with a couple of my high school friends and walked down a hill of yellow grass to get to the bottom where the interior of my old elementary school was. All these little girls that looked like kids I'd seen from my high school came up to me and hugged me saying goodbye. Their parents were nearby and I imagine were puzzled how they all knew a grown man who wasn't a teacher so it felt awkward but still nice to receive such a pure send-off. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do after that though and felt a bit lost. I woke up shortly thereafter from my sister calling me.