Psycho stalks me in my own home ☠️

Date: 7/10/2018

By DeathOfABachelor

I had a dream my stepdad was friends with a serial killer and I knew about it but I couldn’t say anything so one day when my stepdad was home I stayed with him cuz I KNEW he had the serial killer. And I was right. And the killer brought me a cake, they played it off like my stepdad got me the cake but it wasn’t my stepdad. Me and my stepdad talked, I did nothing bad so I wouldn’t be killed or have a reason to be. Everyone in my family ate some cake and my mom went to bed. I went to bed on my mom and stepdads floor without them noticing and my sister, well idk what happened to her. also sorry for not posting lol I’ve been lazy I know..