Real Life SCI-Fi/Adventure Movie

Date: 2/13/2019

By johnmikegs

I was walking down the side walk with a friend. We were apparently going to this audition for a movie or reality TV show. We walked in and it was a huge dark room that looked old. As we approached the tellers, there was this girl who grabbed my attention for a split second. I quickly turned back around and only remembered hearing the teller say that we needed to go and follow everyone else. No signs or anything, so we did just that and followed everyone. We ended up in this big room that was dark with the exception of the projector and the screen. We watched a short intermission but it wasn’t anything too important. After the playing, it showed a hand saying to stay put and played some sounds as if there was an emergency. A lot of us got annoyed and decided to just go and talked outside about what all that meant. None of us were sure but we said that the audition thing was a joke. As me and my friend were talking by the door leading outside, I saw the girl again and she was walking out. Again, I snapped back and focused on what my friend was talking about. We left, but before we did, I saw a hand come out of nowhere telling me to come over. I told my friend I would be back and left. I ran to where the hand was and went behind the curtains. I ended up in he really fancy restaurant. Everyone was dressed up and the tables had candles. I turned around and the girl was there walking in as well. I just looked at her for a quick second and smiled before my friend came busting in and was yelling for me. I ran back to him. All of a sudden, I was on a helicopter wearing military gear and we were landing in this small town in the desert. It was around afternoon and everything seemed normal. There was a lot of dust in the air because it was windy and the suns heat was burning down on us. We mainly walked around looking for something unusual. What that may be? I wasn’t sure. We secured a perimeter inside of a building and set up command. We were told that the we won’t be able to get in contact for a while due to downed comms tower. One of the commanders with us said it was a rescue mission and we needed to evacuate everyone we could, but when we got there, we never saw a single person. Time was going by and me and my team were talking and playing basketball until we got the radio back up. The sun was setting and that’s when we knew we weren’t alone. There was a loud screeching from something in the distant, somewhere not to far from the camp. I grabbed my rifle and ran up to the tower. I was looking back and forth and I couldn’t see anything. Until I saw someone trying to run towards our camp. It seemed like they were yelling for help, I called out to the ground troops on the radio that someone is headed their way. I looked back at the spot where the person was and they disappeared. I called it out on the radio that the civilian is out of sight and that there is movement in the forage next to where he was. A small group of five soldiers went to investigate what happened and they searched the area. They told me they didn’t see anyone. I copied that, and they were heading back. All of a sudden something springs up from the bush and takes out one of them. They all turn around but can’t see anyone or anything. I called them to run back to base, and so they did. One by one, they were taken with only a second of screaming before they were silenced and killed, only two made it back. We had no idea what we were up against. This thing moves really fast so I couldn’t get a good look at it and it doesn’t make much sound when it moves so we were blind. We all met up at the bottom of the command post and talked about what happened. The two soldiers that got back were in shock and couldn’t snap out of it. They kept talking about how they saw the thing kill the other members of our team. The other one was saying how they sent us on a suicide mission and that we are all gonna die out here. He tried to off himself, but we restrained him and took away any lethal weapons from his person. Our radios still weren’t working. The sun was almost down and we still didn’t know what we were up against. We heard screaming and crying outside. We went back to the tower and saw a lot of people, except they weren’t normal people. They had slightly glowing eyes and seemed to be pale with infected lumps on their body. They were wandering around until our station radio finally got back up but it made this really loud noise. They all began running to the base. I quickly went down to the bottom told them to turn off the radio and barricade the doors. It was a close one but we were able to seal all the doors and windows. Unfortunately they already knew we were in there and were banging themselves against the building. We turned off the lights and turned on the radio slowly. The commander got on and asked what we were sent into, the base replied that we were sent to rescue and people that we could find. He tried to explain our situation and that we lost people already but they kept saying we needed to rescue the people we could find. My thoughts, it’s a recording and that we are still in the dark. We spent the night there, waiting for an answer. We never got anything, but by morning it seemed like it was clear for us to move outside for a bit. It seems like they can’t stand the heat of the sun or they just prefer the darkness. Anyways we were able to go and make sure all the building were close to the base we clear. We scavenged any supplies we could, be it food, first aid, or any scrap metals or wires we could go make some things. We still never saw anyone in the town yet. I saw this tall building that looked like an apartment and decided to check it out with a few other people. We went from door to door for the whole building. As we were about to breach into one room, we heard static from a TV or radio and someone calling out for help. We banged on the door and it went quiet. We kicked down the door, and entered the room. It was clear, but then someone turned the corner and tried to headlock me but I was able to flip them onto the floor and restrain them. When we got them back up, I got s good look at the person and it was the girl from earlier who kept catching my attention. I quickly let her go and asked what she was doing here, but she told me we needed to evacuate everyone in the building and get to a secure area. She brought us to a hidden room where she hid a couple of people that she could save. The sun was getting down so we rushed back to our base. That was when we all found out what happened. She and her team was sent to investigate a weird sighting. There was an infection that was found to take over a persons body and turn them into a zombie that is set out to infect others. The monster we saw earlier was the queen who is believed to be the cause of the infection. We tried the radio again and this time we got a different reply. They told us that they thank us for our services and that was it. Something didn’t sit right within all of us. It was then where the girl told us that they are probably going to bomb the area to contain the infection. We had a long hard talk about it and concluded that the government would do everything in their power to contain the situation and make up some coverup. Time went on and it was the next day. We needed to find out where we would go to be safe. Apparently her team took over the diner and fortified it to withstand blast from any kind of missiles. The only thing is that it’s all the way across the town on the outskirts. We made the trip in the afternoon, when the sun wasn’t too hot and we had time to pack but it didn’t leave us a lot of time to move, so we needed to be quick. I got time to talk to the girl, her name was Alexis. She wasn’t much shorter than me really, only a few inches. She has dirty blonde hair and hazel colored eyes. She was really roughed up and had scratches on her. I told her to take a break and to let me help patch her up. This gave us time to talk about stuff like how we were gonna get out and what are we gonna do when we get out. Eventually we heard some kinda sirens and we all knew it wasn’t a good thing. We had to run to the diner which was a good mile away. With the people we had and the amount of equipment, it was gonna take time, something we didn’t have. We were almost there, but when I turned around I saw the jets coming right for us ready for a bombing run. When I looked back down I saw that the queen and the zombie people were coming out as well. We booked it to the diner, only carrying our weapons, our rations and a radio. Everything else had to be left behind. I could hear the screeching of the monster and the sound of the bombing behind us. Out of breath and tired as hell, we barely made it. Sadly not everyone could have made it, some people thought they would go and hide inside other buildings or they fell down and couldn’t be helped. With only a few of us left, we couldn’t do much. The bombing wouldn’t stop, it was just explosion after explosion. It felt like hours of torture, thinking about how many people are hurt or even died out there. It finally stopped, we gave it time before we went outside because we weren’t sure what was gonna happen. Me and Alexis decided to take point, we went out and saw the whole place engulfed in fire. Buildings were burnt down to debris, we thought it was all clear, but from within the fire we saw the zombies walking out, barely phased by what just happened. After a few moments a lot of them seemed to just fall to the ground as their body burned up, but some weren’t effected as bad and were wandering. Me and Alexis were talking up a plan on how we would be able to get out. She said that there was a school near by that they had flares and a radio at that they were supposed to use when they were ready for extraction. After discussing the situation for a bit, we began talking about our life and what we wanted in the future. A family and a nice place away from the government for this. We had to move all the tables and chairs of the diner to help reinforce the doors and windows. This left a lot of space in the room to spread out supplies and set out sleeping bags to get some sleep. Everyone stayed in the main lobby area except me and Alexis. I set up an area by the register because the skylight allowed us to see the stars. I got comfortable by taking off my army shirt and vest, leaving my tank top and my pants and combat boots. I sat down against one of the crates with our rations in it and started up thinking about if it was possible to get out of here. She sat down beside me and nuzzled up to me. She closed her eyes and told me that although everything was bad, she was happy to be in my arms. She fell asleep and I followed soon enough. We woke up and everyone was talking and crowded against the door. Apparently a few of our team thought it would be a good idea to make a run for one of the cars, but when I went over to look, they were quickly taken down. There wasn’t that many of us left, only two other soldier and a handful of civilians. A few hours passed, I told Alexis that I needed to go out and try to get to that school. She quickly grabbed me as I was reaching for my gun and told me she didn’t want me to leave. I told her I needed to before anyone else dies. She understood that it was a hard decision to make, but it had to be done. I was about to go and unblock the door when I hear a belt snap and a holster button clasp. I turn around and it’s Alexis, she’s arming herself as well. I asked her what she was doing and she told me that if I was going, she was going too. I argued with her a bit until she kissed me unexpectedly. “You’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that if you wanna get rid of me”, she said. She laughed and unblocked the door. There was nothing getting by her we stood outside for a few minutes to see the area and plan a route. Everything was scorched and broken down except some buildings and som of the trailer homes. We heard a lot of screaming back from inside so I quickly rushed to see what happened. There was a large group of zombies piling outside the main door and they were almost breaking through it. We tried to get as much supplies as we could, but there wasn’t enough time. The broke through and rushed the people. The other soldiers returned fire but there was so many of them we had to leave. I told everyone to leave out the back door. Once everyone got out, I took one of the grenades from the supply cache and threw it in and closed the door. It would most likely destroy any of our supplies, but it would take out a whole lot of the zombies. I stood there watching the inside of the building light up and get splattered with guts and rubble. I turned back around and told everyone we didn’t have time anymore, we needed to move on cause we wouldn’t survive another day. People were picked off one by one and I was running low on ammo. It was now just me, Alexis, and one of the civilians. We finally got to the school but with the expense of all the people we lost. The sun was almost down and everything was calm, for now. I told the others to stay put while I went out and looked around the school which was really small. I took point and checked all the rooms and everything was clear. We settled down and tried scavenging and supplies we could. I went to one of the classrooms and the sun was halfway down. I wasn’t sure how or if we’d ever get out, I just wanted to get out without losing anyone else, but for some reason, I don’t think that was gonna be the case. Alexis found the radio and a flare gun they were supposed to use when the mission was completed. We couldn’t call in from the radio because the signal was really messed up. I told Alexis we should probably have a step out and try to find a better signal because it would probably be our best bet. She agreed and we got the system and tried going outside. It was beautiful, the sun was hitting everything just right. There was an old windmill next to a trailer and an old looking gas station with a truck down by the servicing area. I turned to Alexis and her eyes lit up, they were beautiful. I was so caught up that nothing else mattered, but that’s when it happened all of a sudden a zombie appeared out of nowhere and scratched her arm, I quickly pushed her out of the way and shot it in the head. I looked back at her and she had this gash on her arm. I quickly picked her up and brought her inside. I laid her on the table and pour any alcohol trying to clean of anything and prevent the infection from spreading. I wrapped her arm up, and ran back for the radio. I turned it on and got a signal. I called it in and didn’t get a reply. I got the other civilian with us and made them stay on the radio and to tell them we need immediate evacuation. I went back to Alexis and held her hand tightly, I looked her in the eyes and told her I wasn’t gonna be letting her go, but she knew that she might not make it. I put my head against hers and began crying. It felt like I knew her for so long and she had so much hope for when she got out, but now she won’t be able to live it out. I kissed her and just laid next to her, as if it was the last time I would be able to feel her warmth. The person came running back saying that one of the operators at a nearby base responded and that they send a copter and a team to get us out. What was only 25 minutes felt like hours and hours just getting wasted. I ran out with both of them and shot the flare out to signal our location. Eventually we saw the helicopter and when it landed people ran out and put Alexis on a stretch and loaded her up onto the helicopter. Me and the Civilian got on and a team was left behind to burn the whole place down and blow it up. I woke up