Date: 5/29/2018
By Michielle02
When I was little I used to ride at this barn and now my friend rides at the same barn. In my dream I was visiting the barn with her when I saw my old coach. She asked me if I wanted to ride again and I was like “I don’t think so” and she said “okay well do you want to help with the show on Saturday” and I was like yeah totally. On Saturday I ended up participating in a competition for like 10 year olds. I thought I had it in the bag because one kid fell off and the other lost his stirrups. So after I went to the competition booth to tell them not to give me a ribbon because I’m way older than the kids and they were like “Okay, it’s not like you were gonna get one anyway. Even when they fell off your score was way lower. “ I was completely humiliated because I thought I had done great since the competition was just about posture. I was really upset so I decided to leave the show and never ride again. Then I woke up.