Date: 11/12/2017
By malexandria
I remember there was a play I was in. It started on Wednesday and was supposed to be open night on Friday. I one knew everything, but it deffinitly seemed to be way more than a play. The characters where real and the stage was like a new world. I played this really cute villain who was super evil and I loved it. Francisco was in it too. I remember being out front Jones, and he was there. We where all there and I remeber him comparing my character to me outside of clothes. Then there was like a new dream but not really. I joined the soccer team because Brandon was on it but it wasn’t a normal soccer team. There was multiple groups, some being competitors, babysitters, and more. I’ve play soccer like my entire life so I was like HELL YEAH. He wasn’t on the side of competitors though, but I wanted him to notice me. I can recall a bunch of boys gushing over my body which was weird. Than I remember being on another part of the gym where there was all these mats. We where doing some type of cheer leading stuff as well as swimming. I was hella scared. I can’t swim. Then one of the soccer girls shot me. And a bunch of other chicks. And now I was dying. The undertaker was coming for me and I was crying since I’m an atheist and dunno what happens. Apparently there was a heaven and hell, and I could assume where I was going. So I was running crazy crying and I remember being at my grandparents where he took me. I was cuddling my cat crying and boom. There he was. He grabbed me by my feet and dragged me to the living room. He said I was going to heaven but then I was alone In a small space with a long hole in the ground. Whoops