Very Real Fear. (Getting Shot)

Date: 9/2/2017

By QuietQueen

Zack and I are in his car, backing out of his driveway. We exit his residence and start driving down a long straight road which is curved at the end. We are planning to go to Walmart for some reason. I suddenly start to feel really sick to my stomach and scared. Like something bad is about to happen. Instinctually, I look in the side mirror and notice a black truck following behind us. As we come up to the curve in the road, the truck is quickly approaching us. Zack's car is old and can't accelerate quickly, so he starts pulling over to the side to allow the truck to pass us. I look over at Zack and see a look of fear on his face. I say to him, "babe, I feel like something really bad is about to happen." And right as I finish that sentence, he responds with a shaky voice, "me too." The truck slows down considerably while passing us, as if the driver is examining us or something. But we can't see into te heavily tinted windows. The truck disappears around the curve. Zack sighs heavily and puts his car into drive. But before he can pull back onto the road, the truck speeds back around the curve and stops parallel to Zack's window. This time, the other driver's window is rolled down and we now see this insane looking man staring at us with no emotion. Almost as if he is looking past us, and not blinking. Zack doesn't wait around. He presses the gas down as far as it'll go, and simultaneously the other driver whips out a gun and starts blind firing into our car. Zack is immediately shot in the head, and bullets go flying past me. I raise my arms up as a pitiful defense against these shots. I am shot at least four times, but I can't figure out where. I desperately reach over Zack's limp body and try to drive to the Walmart just around the corner. But I'm bleeding out, and I'm sure Zack is dead, and the black truck speeds off in the opposite direction of us. That's all I can remember of this dream.