Key elements

Date: 9/14/2018

By SammyDawn55

It’s kind of fuzzy but I remember more about this dream than most others. All of my dreams are always so similar though, I always seem to remember key elements. We’re in a different city/town on vacation, but we usually always have bought a new cottage. It’s new to us but quite old, and always filled with lots of mysteries. So this dream was no different, we were by the beach. The cottage wasn’t on the beach, but it was a beach town so we could just walk there. Jeremy was obviously there, he always is. And so was Gavin. The mall is always involved too. And my work. I work in a mall, but I’m never working in my dreams, I’m just looking around the store and visiting. And I always dream about like forgetting my shift and being late or getting in trouble or something, even though that never happens in real life. In this dream, I got fired. I was very upset and mad. There’s always some sort of competition going on that I’m in, like an actual competition, not just drama with people. It usually involves swimming or water somehow. This is all over the place but I just always remember these certain details and they’re literally always the same but just different backgrounds and whatnot. I wish I could remember more. I’m so groggy and sleepy when I first wake up, then I go pee and by the time I’m back in bed my memory’s already fading. Oh! And there’s always shopping involved but like toys. Like I’m in a toy store or something and I’m just buying all these really cool toys.