Date: 9/27/2019
By Sophia_Sleeps
I was a famous painter, yet I was in high school. Nobody knew I wasthe painter, I suppose I was kind of like Banksy but I didn't care as much about politics. My grade went on a field trip to Washington D.C to go to museums and historical places. We went to an art museum and they head a section dedicated to me. Everyone fell in love with these paintings and when they started reading they found out the first of the paintings was found where we live. They started thinking about who it could be and someone says "Well it's definitely not her, her art is trash."(her as in me) and everyone laughed. Later when we got to the hotel I was sharing a room with my best friend and decided to tell her it was me. She thought I was lying and asked if she could be put in a different room. Then I woke up.