Date: 6/24/2019
By AJacobs
ROTC jacked up to 11. The dream focused around one man canoes. We would come under fire from the sides of the river. I was tasked with being the Platoon Leader next time. I spent the second half of the dream getting ready. There was time in this basement. Also a giant room where I practiced parachuting down 100 feet with my gear... not sure why. The first time I the parachute didn't quite open in time, I pressed spacebar frantically to drop stuff and open it more. I also landed at the very edge of this small pool of water. The parachute activated with pressing spacebar like in KSP, that might've caused me to drop stuff too like as a decoupler. Was a young black guy watching my last couple jumps. I actually kept looking back because I thought it was a girl at first (Asian or White actually). A bathroom also .might have been a location here too. My dad was there on the earlier runs on the river. There were firefights on the river. Intensity... was pretty high... There might even have been zombies on its side. It was dark most of the time. I might have blacked out at one point causing it to restart. I was expected to use cards to determine the path down the river at any forks. I had a big deck of these cards, I never ended up getting these ready or prechoosing them or anything. The end had an infocomercial like segment of some guy from ROTC, probably a sergeant, giving like a commercial. He had gotten together like 20,000 units for joint exercises before. He basically was bragging. There was a map of the world showing the fake country we fight in (around Armenia/Kosovo actually). That zoomed in as like SITREP/Sattellite imagery as the army would blow something up, then remove it and/or rebuild it across the way for the scenario.