Honestly I don't even know

Date: 6/3/2018

By emmaoftheleighs

So at first I was sitting at a picnic table outside my high school with some of my friends. I was sitting next to this guy I have a thing with, Casey, and he had his arm around me but not super obviously because we're trying to keep it quiet. My ex boyfriend, Daniel, was sitting next to us on another bench. He slides down closer to us and starts interrogating me asking what's up with me hanging out with Casey so much all of a sudden. I don't really respond. Then I was in a CD store with some friends and we were getting ready to go to prom. I was supposed to be going with my friend Isaiah but he was very late. I had to drive 45 minutes to the prom to get everything set up and then drive back to pick up Isaiah and drive to prom again. Needless to say I was very stressed. So I drive to prom in my dress and makeup and everything and I go to our table but there are people sitting there. I ask them to move but they don't so I ask one of the people working there but they don't help me. Eventually there is another lady handing out the table numbers, so I take ours, number 44, and put it at an empty table. As I'm doing that everyone at my table who was at the CD store arrive and so does Isaiah because someone gave him a ride there. Somehow I ended up at a ski lodge. There was this TV on a deck I was standing on and all these kids were watching this ultimate skiing competition where this guy does a backflip. So of course all the kids want to try so they start back flipping off of the deck and into the snow below us. I was standing there with my friend who works at my church, Erin, and we were babysitting my friend's son but in the dream he was actually my nephew. We were on the same deck but this time it was really high up. He's also trying to do a backflip but he fails and slips off the deck under the railings and falls into the snow. Erin and I start freaking out and she runs off to go down and fetch him. I keep watch over the deck and try to keep my eye on him but he isn't moving. She finally gets to him and picks him up and somehow we end up at my house. She gives him to me and I try to check for breathing but there are no signs of that so I give him back to her. I call 911 and try to get them to send an ambulance but they are very unhelpful. They tell me to try massaging some warmth into him or pouring warm water on him. Eventually we give up because it's top late. We wrap his body in a black plastic bag and I prepare myself to tell my mom. My mom is sitting on the couch and she has just woken up. I sit on the table in front of her and take her hands and tell her that I need to tell her something. I start off with saying how we were at a skii resort and something about the railings but halfway through my sentence I realise it was a dream. I had a dream inside my dream. So I get really happy and excited and start celebrating with Erin because we didn't kill a baby. My mom is very confused