
Date: 4/3/2018

By Pandakitties

Had a dream where I was on my way to high school. The beginning started off slow, I kept forgetting something and having to get off the bus to go back and retrieve what I needed. Sometimes it was wanting different bus stops, although I’d always get picked up by the same bus driver. When I finally got to school it seemed to be the first day, so the first class was some kind of weird biology, like the biology of aliens. The second was a history class about nothing in particular, and the third was some kind of business/accounting class put together; most time of my dream was spent in the business class. I was the first in and the the teacher, a young guy, was giving me pointers while I set up my stuff. Like some other classes he hands me a new binder saying he was going to keep the one I had brought for them class for no reason. So while I was setting up, refilling my binder with pages he’d given me, and he was talking but I don’t remember what about. He was repeating a lot, but then he pointed out a stack of paper and some cue cards on his desk which happened to be beside me, saying this class was going to be extremely hard and to utilize them. As other students pile in and they ask me questions I answer them and then suddenly the class is over. I accidentally leave my stuff on the desk as me and another girl walk out. Both her and I kept forgetting stuff in random places all day and have to back track with the line “I have to go back to class don’t I?” This happens again except she’s a city bus driver and we, with a bus full of people, stop at the back of the school to go in and grab our stuff. We get our stuff and part ways, me going up the wrong set of stairs to my lockers where it seems to be under construction. Two older ladies are up there and they instruct me how to sneak around the construction zone to get to my locker. Instead we go through a video game like maze of animals and obstacles to get to my locker, but we never make it because I got distracted by a group of kids off in the distance. I don’t stay with them long because they try to unclothe me but I find a friend and my sister and we find an A Day To Remember concert in our school. I also find my bus driver friend. We find seats but they’re taken, right in the middle. Discouraged, we keep wanting the very middle seats when a whole row of people spread apart opening up around 10 seats. We go to sit when we notice table and chair in front of the seats and it’s my friend and his fiancée. So we chat with them, and it’s odd because his voice is really high for no reason. And we have strange conversation about sex with old people and I attempt to torment him about it and we talk about him going to school and his fiancée going to school for photography but wishing she took a different school to continue working in a restaurant and then we put our stuff on the seats that were slowly filling up and watched a full concert.