5Rhythms in Montreal

Date: 10/28/2024

By wahblamy

The first part of this dream I was in a high school around where I live, there was going to be a small dance class or we were going to get details about one. We were in the gymnasium type room or waiting outside it. At one point it felt like we just finished class. They were setting up food and there was cake and chicken and a man started to pick at it but it seemed like they weren't ready yet and I believed the food was not for our group. He left to wait and then I found out the food was for us and I tried to find him to apologize. We then got the information about the next class and it was going to be in Montreal. I signed up and paid and got my information and left the school. Walking through and out of the school, everything was very detailed, it was fall and it was a large, more modern high school. Next thing I know I'm in Montreal, ive driven there with my car and I had to plan everything perfectly. The trip only took 4 hours but the class started at 6:30pm - this is exactly like real life as I have a class in 2 weeks. I landed and went inside a large house that was Max's parents house. He was in there hanging out and there was also a dog and a cat. His house seemed to be in the middle of some very busy streets but also was suburbia, with a lake as well. I told him that I didn't have much time and suggested we go for a walk in the woods, I asked if either the cat or dog or both could come and he said neither. He grabbed some tubes and we left the very bright, large, cold house. He was trying to show off or something and he jumped in the tube on the hill and quickly slid all the way down the hill into the lake! This wasn't his intention. I thought, ok great, let's swim! But then we just layed in the sun on some chairs. At one point some people were there with us and Emily (tattoo) was there with her fiance talking about quitting cigarettes and how it enhanced their sex life but they still used weed. After they left I talked to Max about how you could probably enhance it even more by removing the weed too. So then it was time for my dance class, so I left his house and got back in my car. But now I'm in a different scene! I'm in a vehicle with maybe my mom and brother and two other people? We're in a large truck with comfortable seats. We go to like a gas station or something and they get a whole bunch of food. They just bought it but its like all in casserole dishes and fresh and homemade. We go for a walk to somewhere, not sure, and they leave some of the dishes up high, outside on a building or something. One of the chicken ones has no lid on it and I say that the crows will get to it!! No one thought too much about it. Sure enough, as we walk I can see the crows getting into it. We walk back towards the food, high up on the ledge and I can also see that Moo Deng is taking some bites of the food. The end.