Digital art, A young man with amnesia and mysterious powers finds himself at Hotel Divinity, a gateway between worlds, and must confront a dangerous figure from his past to protect his newfound friends.

Dream: Gateway

Date: 3/9/2023

By Ecnelis_Lataf

Dreamt I was a young man who looked fairly androgynous. Long dark brown hair. Vibrant green eyes. Olive tanned skin. Maybe about 5'9" with a soccer build that teetered between masculine and feminine in appearance. ***** I had awoken inside the dream on a couch. It was a surprisingly comfortable couch. I looked around me to see two young women sitting in chairs nearby. Next to the couch I was on, however, was a young man. His name I couldn't recall. None of their names would come to me. Not even my own. "Take your time. You've been unconscious for about a week." The man whispered in a soothing tone. I nodded slowly and sat up, leaning back against the couch once I was up. ***** Time seemed to move quickly. I was now with the trio as we ran to a new hideout. The man was named Kaito. The two women were Marla and Connie. They were trying to help me get back to the place they first found me a few months back, hoping it might jog my memory. But every fiber in my being said not to go back there. It was some kind of bad place for people like me. Though I wasn't even sure what that meant yet. ***** More time passed. Kaito had found us a safe space. A hotel that was run by a man with fairly strict rules, no violence of any sort was allowed in his hotel and all who broke that rule would be punished accordingly. The four of us were crammed in a single hotel room, as we didn't trust anyone to be safe if we split up. Marla and Connie got one bed. Kaito had the other as I preferred the chair in the room. We each took shifts to keep watch for the group. I was currently on watch. It was dark outside the windows. The only sounds that I could hear were the faint snoring of my comrades, my own heartbeat, and the occasional footsteps of people returning from the hotel bar. There was a light knocking at the door before a card was slipped under it. I looked over at my companions. None of them had woken up. I walked over to the door and picked up the card. It was a tarot card. The Hierophant. Often meaning a guide or teacher. I went over to Kaito and gently woke him. He yawned and slowly sat up. “Something happen?” He yawned again and got to his feet to stretch. “Yeah. I need to investigate something. I need you to watch over the others.” I explained as I showed him the tarot card. He looked it over and held up his blue-light keychain to the back of the card. It read: “Midnight. Bar. Ask for a Sticky Bomb. They’ll know.” We both looked at the message before exchanging anxious expressions. “I’ll wake the girls. You shouldn’t go down there alone.” Kaito seemed determined. I rolled my eyes but nodded, “I’ll take Connie with me. She’s the best fighter out of you three.” So we woke the girls. We explained the situation and Connie agreed to come with me. Kaito and Marla gave apprehensive smiles as they watched us head out of the hotel room. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Connie whispered as we headed down the steps to the bar. “Not a clue. I just feel like they may know something that can help me.” I was being honest. This whole situation of mine was frustrating and confusing. I needed some answers. This card. The message on it. They felt familiar. ***** It didn’t take long for us to get to the bar. I waited for the bartender to make their way to us. He gave a friendly smile. “What’ll it be?” His tone was polite but there was an underlying danger to it. “Just water for me,” Connie stated, “I’m the designated sober friend.” “I’d like a sticky bomb.” I stated, remembering what the card mentioned. The bartender tensed at my suggestion. It was only a moment. If I had blinked I wouldn’t have noticed it. He grinned once more, “I’ll have those right over to you.” He walked off and we did our best to get comfy on the bar stools. Connie fidgeted with a quarter that was in front of her. She spun it round and round to keep her mind occupied. I sighed as I waited for the hopeful answers. The bartender came back and set a glass of water on a coaster, scooting it to Connie. He then set a second water glass in front of me. “You’ll want to be sober for this.” I raised a brow and then noticed a young man of maybe 25 walking over to me. He had on a black trilby hat, black slacks, a red button down shirt, black pinstripe jacket, and black loafers with dark gray socks. He was lighting up a cigarette as he walked over. “You received my card?” he questioned me, the smoke from his cigarette wafting over me. “The Hierophant. Yes. Clever card choice.” I responded, taking a sip of the water I’d been given. Connie sipped on her water as she watched us. She was tense. It was clear she was ready to strike if the need arose. The man grinned, “Join me in the main hall. I have something to show you there.” I looked over at Connie who just nodded. There would be more open space for her to work with if he tried anything. The hotel may have its rule against violence, but if someone strikes you first within its halls… well… then self-defense is allowed. So we followed this man out to the main hall… or I suppose some would call that the lobby. Either way, that’s where we went. The man led us to the center of the lobby. On the floor in front of us was a beautiful talisman like design. I don’t even know how I knew what that design was. Connie flinched when she saw the design and lightly tugged at my arm to pull me away from it. I looked at her and she just shook her head. The man rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. Two other men appeared and grabbed Connie’s arms, pulling her from me. “You may not trust me, but unlike your little ‘friend’ here I am actually trying to help you.” He stated, an icy edge to his voice. He held out a deck of tarot cards and I placed the hierophant on top. The cards glowed before leaving his hand and encircling me. They wrapped around me and faded within, as if a part of me. I felt my body move on its own. Each step taking me closer to the talisman. “What did you do to me?” I hissed as my body moved without my consent. “I did nothing. You’re just returning home.” The man stated. I looked back at Connie who continued to struggle against her captors. I looked at the talisman center again and felt a flood of icy cold dread wash over me. The moment I stepped on the talisman… I felt as though the floor had given out and I’d fallen through. ***** It was a strange sensation of both falling and flying all at once. I was no longer in the hotel. Yet part of me knew I was. All around me was an almost cosmic visual. Darkness with vibrant colors scattered all across. Twinkling bright lights all around like a glitter in the sky. I looked down at my hands and my body was basically see through. As if I’d become one with this strange place. “Hotel Divinity” A voice whispered that in my mind. It was so familiar and yet something about it didn’t sit well. I looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. “VINNY!!!”  Was that Connie’s voice? Who was shouting? Why couldn’t I see her?  “Vinny come back!” Her voice sounded urgent. Where was I? Why couldn’t I leave? “Shut your mouth traitor!”  That was definitely the man from before. I closed my eyes and focused on the sounds. Focused on Connie’s voice. “Time to rise.” The familiar calm intertwined with a raging inferno inside me. I lifted my hands above my head and found the exit. I climbed up and out, opened my eyes, and glared at the trio keeping Connie captive. She stared at me wide-eyed. I winked and stood to my full height (about 5’9”.) “You will release her.” My voice boomed across the room. They released her and she ran to my side. I held her close, my cosmic form having finally returned to the human one I had been in before. “Vinny?” Connie whimpered, clinging to me in her terror. She was a great fighter but the realm of magic was certainly beyond her. I hid her face against me, shielding her from what was to come. “Don’t look. Just keep your eyes on me.” She nodded and I glared at the trio. All three seemed frozen by fear. “You three have done far more damage here than is ever allowed,” I scolded, voice booming again, “You will now be stripped of your rights to enter Hotel Divinity. Your bags will be brought to you. Leave, or I will make your exit far more painful.” The two thugs took off running. The man in the trilby smirked. “I’ll see you again real soon, Vinny.” He said and casually left the hotel. It wasn’t long before ink-blob type spirits came down the halls, carrying the belongings of the men who were forced out of the hotel. They chucked the items out onto the sidewalk for those men. The ink-blob spirits looked at me. “Don’t let them ever return. They are banned from our establishment.” The ink-blob spirits nodded and faded into the cracks of the hotel. Once they were out of sight, I released Connie. I gently ran my fingers over her cheek. “I’m sorry you had to be part of that.” She looked up at me. There were tears forming in her eyes. She was maybe 27 and very new to the world of the supernatural. “Vinny, what are you?” I chuckled, “I am Hotel Divinity. I’m the magic that keeps it running. The gateway between worlds. The authority that keeps rulebreakers in line.” Her eyes widened, “Then the cards?” “My keys. That rascal managed to get them at one point.” I sighed, “Complacency is a bitch. I got careless. Won’t happen again.” “And us?” I smiled, “You, Kaito, and Marla are safe here. Let me get you three a better room. How’s a suite sound? One just became vacant.” Connie finally smiled and nodded, “That sounds fantastic. Does it have a sauna or something in it? I’ve heard some suites are quite special like that.” I ruffled her hair, “We can make that happen. For now, let's get you back to the others.” (And then I awoke.)

AI generated interpretation This is a highly detailed dream with several layers of symbolism and multiple characters that are recurrent throughout the dream. The dream seems to have several themes that run through the different sequences. These themes include identity, memory, power, and protection. Throughout the dream, the dreamer struggles with their identity. They do not remember their name or anything about themselves, which creates a sense of confusion and disorientation. They also appear to have a somewhat androgynous appearance, which further blurs their sense of self. This theme is reinforced by the fact that they are surrounded by characters with diverse backgrounds and personalities, which creates a sense of contrast. The dream also appears to be exploring the theme of memory. The dreamer is trying to remember a place and a sense of familiarity that they cannot fully piece together. They encounter several symbols throughout the dream that appear to be related to their past, such as the tarot cards and the talisman. However, they cannot make sense of these symbols until the end of the dream when they regain their full form and memory. The theme of power also appears to be recurring throughout the dream. The dreamer is constantly encountering individuals who are in positions of power and who are trying to control the dreamer's actions. This is especially evident in the scene where the dreamer is forced to step on the talisman, which leads to their cosmic transformation. This sequence suggests that the dreamer has a powerful energy within them that they are not yet able to control or fully understand. Finally, the theme of protection appears to be present in the dream. The dreamer is constantly surrounded by characters who are trying to help them and keep them safe. The sense of community that arises from this experience is palpable and creates a sense of safety for the dreamer. Overall, the dream appears to be exploring complex psychological themes related to identity, memory, power, and protection. The dreamer's personal experience and past are intertwined with these themes, creating a rich network of symbolism and narrative that reflects the complexity of human psychology. It could be beneficial for the dreamer to explore these themes further through journaling or therapy to gain a deeper understanding of their emotional and psychological processes.