The Mysterious Birth of The Dragon Child

Date: 2/1/2019

By fluffytree

I found myself standing on top of a car during a nightly torrential downpour of rain. There was a big indentation in the roof which kept me from rolling off like I should've and in the center were 3 balls I kept trying to gather that were red, yellow, and blue. I dunno why I was here or why I felt the need to gather these balls, but it felt important. Next thing I knew I was standing on the side of the road close to a street near my old house just watching the car drive away. The balls were still there, being jostled about as the car went over various bumps in the road. Unfortunately I didn't get them afterall. I blinked and the dream world had totally changed around me where I now found myself in a movie theater having just finished watching the Dragonball Super: Broly movie with the anime meetup group I go to every blue moon. We were exiting the theater and I saw that Ashley was with us too. She was a girl I met back in 2014 at one of the meetups and really developed a crush on her for awhile so I was surprised she was here. Everybody was gonna head to the bar/restaurant after but I didn't really feel like it so I told them bye and went home. The home I suddenly ended up at was my old house in my old neighborhood. Even my old Saturn was sitting in the next door neighbor's driveway as well. That's when I saw some teenager that looked like Birdman (the rapper) jump in my car and speed off with it. I tried to stop him but he was moving too fast. Eventually he lost control and hit several other cars before bailing out and running off. I ran ahead and assessed the damage. Luckily it was still drivable, but had pretty extensive exterior damage. Down the street was a mechanic shop I knew even though irl it's the Detroit River and a park that's right there at the edge of it. It was late like around 7pm so when I got there he was just closing up and after glancing my car over he said he could fix it but I'd have to come back tomorrow. Less than a minute passed by and the sun came up. It was instantly tomorrow as if I was in a video game and set the clock ahead by 12hrs. The man was no longer there. In fact the shop was not there anymore either and I stood in some sort of beautiful monastery of some kind made of gold and white marble. There was a man in his 40s with his young daughter who looked no more than 11 that greeted me. He welcomed me back and that's when I realized I'd seen this place before in past dreams but only from afar. I walked to the edge where a balcony railing was and before me was a sprawling vista of rolling green hills and blue sky as far as the eye could see. To my left in the distance was the sea, so far away that it only appeared as a small haze of royal blue. That's where I always was before whenever I would see this place in the distance so it was really amazing to finally be here up close. Below us was a drop about 150ft and I saw what looked like large dragons with bright violet scales roaming around and grazing peacefully. And then at the center of this monastery or temple rather was a female white dragon that had just laid an egg. The father and daughter were ecstatic and I was quite intrigued. The egg was white with curious black splotches on it. There was a prominent black line that went down the middle as well. They told me that this dragon was very special in that it was a dragon of prophecy. They believed that based on what the egg looked like on the outside and the contents on the inside would predict whether we'd have a prosperous future or one of calamity. The egg soon cracked but there was no infant inside. Instead oozed out a iridescent black liquid that appeared like oil and had the same consistency but was strangely beautiful. I felt like this might be an ominous sign of things to come but they assured me it was the opposite. I couldn't understand how they could interpret these eggs to be related to our future but I assumed it was just their culture so I didn't question it much. Some time passed and the dragon laid one more egg. We went over to watch it hatch and to my surprise it appeared that a human boy was beginning to emerge. I never got to fully view him but I could see that his skin was pale, slightly scaly with that same colorful iridescence that the oil-like substance had had before and he seemed to have wings as well. My current hosts were in awe and told me that this was no ordinary hatchling and in fact he was the prophecized one that was said to be a powerful child and would heal so many ailments of the world. It sounded like this boy was being made out to be the next Messiah. I woke up before I could witness more unfortunately.