Lucid Dream Experience, Tips

Date: 7/5/2016

By kyle_chandler

After waking up early this morning I was still a little tired so I decided to try and induce a lucid dream. A relaxed myself and focused on the dream as I fell asleep. It was a conscious effort even as my body was fading into unconsciousness. I have only had a handful of lucid dreams in the past so I am still discovering new things about the nature of lucid dreams and how to manipulate the fabric of the dream world. Typically when I consciously try to have lucid dreams, I end up having the dream in the exact location I went to sleep in in reality. This time was no different. As soon as I began to dream I knew that I was dreaming. I woke up in the dream in my bed where I had just gone to sleep to try and dream. When I became conscious in the dream I looked around my dark room to see whether or not I was dreaming. Immediately my dream started to turn into a nightmare. A dark figure appeared in my doorway and approached me. This very occurrence only reassured me that I was in a dream, so rather than become frightened as I would in a typical dream, I laughed at the figure, held my hand out towards it and made it burst into flames and die. After this my room came illuminated with light and looked as it usually does in real life. At this point I was totally lucid, feeling exactly the same as in reality. I struggle a bit with keeping the dream world together. I often find that when I know i'm dreaming it can be easy to slip out of the dream and wake up. I tried practicing ways of not fading out of the dream. I found it helpful, if you're in a familiar place or near a familiar object, to find some kind of "anchor point" to touch before you completely fade out. Usually my eyes close in the dream just before I slip out of it. If you can grab onto your anchor point and imagine how it looks, and then imagine the rest of your reality around it, you can open back up your eyes and keep from slipping back into the real world. However when you open your eyes you have to be looking at your anchor point only. For example I was in my room and I felt the fabric of my dream world fading to black and I knew it would wake me up. So what I did was grab onto my dresser in my room which i've had for years, I closed my eyes, really thought about how the dresser looked, and then how the rest of my room looked, and then opened my eyes, saw my dresser and looked around and my room was back to normal. I did this again later with the door to my room and it worked just as well. I'd never heard of trying this before to keep from waking up, I just tried it in the dream and it worked. Hope it helps some of you. Anyways, i'll say some other funny things I did in the dream. My dad always gets angry when I lock my door to my room, so despite my dream being lucid I somehow found him trying to get into my room when I hadn't consciously willed it. I think i'm at a stage in my lucidity where it's more a mixture of conscious decisions I make while lucid and then unconscious dream events that fill the gaps I can't consciously think about in my dream reality. So anyway he tried getting in my room so I superheated the doorknob like that kid did in the first home alone movie and burnt the shit out of his hand. He was yelling and eventually busted the door open and told me to leave it unlocked. As he walked away down the hallway I pushed him into the wall with some kind of "force" power repeatedly just to piss him off. After he walked away I tried to create a hot female out of thin air to have sex with but I was having trouble with that for some reason, so I decided to try and install more locks on my door to prevent further intrusion. While I was doing this I woke up, and immediately started writing this. I wish I had done more cool stuff in this dream but I was really trying to understand the nature of the dream and to learn ways of preserving it for as long as I could before waking up.