
Date: 1/4/2019

By SilentNight

Started off at this place, the setting’s a blur now, but lots of green. Possibly outside. The people were separated into three groups(clans?). Each having their own ideals, morals, etc. I was part of one that had access to the Wall. The wall was multicolored and had the texture of one of those salt lamps. The importance of this was that one of the clan would climb and lay hands in a certain place. If they were the one the stone would emit a glow of orange yellow and light blue. The light would flash outward before the glow is sucked into the person through the hands. The chosen person would then have the healing touch. There was the head guy you could say and everyone was supposed to wait til he got back to even touch the wall. I was part of the top ten of the clan and when he left I was drawn to the rock. I couldn’t help it. No one talked of the energy that hummed from it bringing you in. So I did it. I claimed the healing touch. As I did so the head came back and was pissed because it was supposed to be him. The idea that just because your leader doesn’t mean you get it flew over his head and there was strife the clan was split and those who accepted it defended me and those who didn’t fought. Now the healing touch had different meanings with the colors. Physical was yellow, emotional was blue, mental was orange, and spiritually/soul was a mixture. To those who needed the touch I was drawn to and as I touched where was needed they glowed the color. I was even able to heal myself from the emotional pain. I left the clan and joined the other who accepted me. The head guy tried to get me back lots of shit happened and scene switched. ——————— Setting was a mixture of my last 5 schools lots of railings and staircases also dorm rooms. I could tell little things about myself in my dream like my skin was darker tan. I had my long hair again but it was black like it had been in Milwaukee instead of the light brown it is now cause California sun. I was a similar size to what I had been junior year. Coming up from once side of the stairs my black hoodie got mixed up and I ended up with a black and grey sweater. Me and another girl had gotten all the way to class before it was realized and hauled ass back to find my hoodie on the stairs and switch out. There was a desk in the center and that was the front office lady. We were late to class and as it was the first day she’d write us up and it would affect our honor roll for the year. So we had to join the basketball team to avoid the right up. Most of the dream I can remember was spent doing drills and conditioning for the team and petty school drama with other females and guys (mostly homie drama I get put into). By the end of it, which I guess was end of first semester, i got thick. Not in the video hoe way but as in all those workouts for basketball made me tone up and it wasn’t really like I lost weight I just got toned and compact. But I was still soft? Like my curves I had like my hips, thighs, and boobs didn’t go away or get smaller just enhanced cause I was more fit. Which made me motivated asf when I woke up to stay on track of my shit this year. But that will have to wait another 4 weeks cause I currently (IRL) got one of those boots on cause I fractured my foot.