Nightmare Santaclause

Date: 7/15/2019

By dirtypanda

So umm... I was probably 6 or 7 years old when I got this nightmare, it start like this, so it was Christmas Eve and I was on the table drinking milk,on my right was the Christmas tree and on my left was my mom and dad talking about bills or something, when my mom was done talking to my dad she pick me up and took me to my room, and my mom said to me "good night my little treasure" and then she left the door a little bit open, then a couple minutes later I hear gun shots coming from my parents room, and then I see a guy with a White beard and red coat with some black blood stains and wearing gloves, and then put his one finger on his mouth and said "shh..." then put a present on my bed, then when out my door, then I woke up, Now that think about I was a weird kid back then, THE END "some body once told me the world was going to roll me.