Welcome To The House Of Fun

Date: 6/15/2020

By Machman

I recently signed up to Facebook which is totally against all my principles. I didn't sign up to post about my narcissistic existence (look what I am having for tea! Look at my ridiculous eyelashes and trout pout!!) or stalk ex girlfriends or whatever these sad fuckers use it for. Basically it was a friend who got a few guys together to have a virtual piss up online and Facebook was the preferred medium. I have since had some strange dreams because I have received friend recommendations of people I forgot existed. People from primary school and I haven't seen in something like 40 years. One of these friend recommendations was a guy called Duncan Adams. This guy fancied himself as a bit of a tough nut at school but it would be unfair of me to describe him as a bully. He was a bit of a dick though as he made sure that everyone knew he was the top dog and anyone who cheeked him would be reminded of that by getting a kicking at lunchtime. The last I remember of Duncan Adams was seeing him getting bettered (or should I say battered) by Tam Bain (who was in Duncan's class at primary) in 1st year of Secondary. Tam had taken a stretch during the Summer holidays and had obviously decided he'd had enough of Duncan's arrogance. The image of Duncan's face mangled to a bloodied pulp was, I have to say, quite satisfying which is probably why I can recall it to this day. Anyway, as always I disgress. I have digressed before I have even started. I am in a camp of sorts which is, I guess, for school kids. Why I am there I don't know as I am not a kid in the dream. I am upstairs in one of the units and my daighter is there and she is a young toddler again (awww, she was sooooo CUTE at that age, why do they have to grow up?). I am not sure how to describe the next part as it is just weird. There is a wooden tray of sorts tilted towards my daughter and there are tubes of sweets rolling down, again, towards her. This is not meant to happen as I intervene and hold the sweets from rolling any further. I ask my daughter to fetch something to hold them in place but she doesn't seem to understand, she's just a wee girl after all. There are other young kids there who I ask to help me but they are all oblivious to me. So I say fuck it and just grab all the sweets in my hands and walk purposefully towards an exit as I have to get these sweets away. A voice then fills the room / dream. It's the voice of Duncan fucking Adams. I don't know why I know it's his voice, these things just "are" in dreams, aren't they? He is taunting me because I became frustrated with a bunch of kids. "Hey tough guy, you get a kick out of bullying toddlers", things like that. When I get to the exit there is a sheer drop to the ground so I'm obviously on an upper level. The stairs have been replaced by an emergency slide made out of bouncy castle material and inflated like one. I look at the tubes of sweets in my hands and they turn out to be Pacers, a personal favourite of mine when I was in Primary School. They were also, I think, referred to as Opal Mints. For reference, Opal Fruits were what the Starburst sweets you get today were called in my day. I jump down the slide totally ignoring Duncan Fucking Adams (whon still looks like an arrogant dick from what I can see from his FB profile photo). I am then in the car park of the camp and I am talking to a Polish girl I used to work with called Magda (short for Magdalena which I think is a much nicer name). It was always difficult talking with Magda as she was totally skelly - one eye looking at you, the other one checking out something totally different. Or as my mother used to say "one eye is going to the shops and the other one is coming back with the change". Anyway, it appears that I am leaving and she is just arriving so I am telling her what dorm to pick and where to go for grub. In a total scene change I am in a GP practice waiting room. It reminds me of the practice I attended as a child which was basically a converted bungalow. The GP comes to get me and he is French. He leads me into his surgery and I tell him I have a problem with my foot. The shoes (trainers) that I have been wearing were much too tight and there is a huge indent on my achilles as a result. I take off my right shoe and I feel the dent in my heel - sand pours out.