Date: 8/2/2019
By gracebrown_9
To begin with I want to mention this was one of those dreams you genuinely think is happening in real life. I’m not sure how it started but I was living with loads of people in a big house (just finished love island so assume that’s where that came from) in the night I went and slept in a room away from the house by myself it was the other end of the garden area from the house. I went to sleep but mid way through the night someone came in my room i barely saw them they bit my right arm and I didn’t even realise what was going on I thought it was a dream (in my my already dream, I know). Anyway I got up to go back to the house no idea what time it was but it was pitch black although the whole house/garden was lit up. The door was at the side of the little room I was in and the garden was at the front so I opened the door and there’s a little kind of ally way between the wall and the fence so I walked towards the garden area to go to the house the second I got out of the ‘alleyway’ the entire garden was FULL of zombies. They noticed me but I ran back to the room and none seemed to follow. After a week or so of hiding a random man came into my room (not one who lived with us apparently) I remember he was dodgy and had bad intentions but I was so happy to see a person so I begged him to stay with me and he did, he got in bed with me and cuddled me then he saw the blood everywhere and looked at my arm, he must have known about the zombies because he was like no sorry I can’t stay you’re bit and left. I ended up hiding in the room for 20 days apparently although it didn’t feel that long for me and when I finally got the courage to leave it was daylight and all the zombies were gone and the garden was full of the people that lived in the house with me. I walked straight past them into the house (I was upset because no one saved me - I had been gone 20 days in my defence) no one even batted an eyelid as I walked past. As I got to the house I walked up the stairs towards the bathroom and a few people were walking down the stairs and they asked what happened to which I explained and told them I really needed moisturiser and they seemed to ignore the zombie part and so did I? Like it wasn’t even a big deal. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and it was mad considering this was a dream but I saw MY face like clear as day the whole bottom half of my face was red not like a rash but very red almost like how zombies look in movies after they’ve eaten and have blood all over their face and the skin on it was so dry and flaking off. So I started applying moisturiser all over my face, this moisturiser was all I was thinking about like I didn’t even consider the zombie situation it is very confusing. Anyway I realised I was gonna die as I was bit and I told the people I lived with they didn’t seem to care about anything I was saying like everyone knows about this but no ones doing anything about it or panicking. I ended up going to school - all the buildings including where I lived were very modern and expensive looking- all white tiles and walls with glass doors etc. I was walking towards the stairs I thought there were loads of students trying to go up them, turns out they were zombies! All I seemed to care about was not getting eaten alive - I already knew I was gonna die. I barged though all the zombies and ran up the stairs and managed to not get bitten. I saw some people I lived with walking casually down the hall handing out wristbands I don’t remember how I figured it out but it was a movement - which I think was inspired by the movie ‘us’ (I know this is a dream and isn’t planned but by ‘inspired’ I just mean like where the idea must have came from in my brain). So yeah anyway it was a movement and the people in my house were turning everyone into zombies and turns out literally everyone were in on it teachers etc. A police officer and head teacher were married (which I knew somehow) they had a couple bodyguards and held a door open for me and were also handing out the wristbands I asked about the movement and they didn’t say much I asked if I could come wherever they were going because clearly they aren’t turning into zombies. They said no but I begged and they eventually agreed so we left together and ended up at a gorgeous house in the woods. It was a wooden house one side was all glass and it was lit up - very nice place. And no zombies. The dream ended there as my little sister got in my bed with me and woke me up but I literally woke up crying and panicking and my heart was thumping in my chest.