Meeting a Strange Sentient Whale-like Creature in the Ocean

Date: 4/24/2019

By fluffytree

I found myself in the middle of the ocean on a boat with several men I didn't know. The captain was also an oceanologist who was used to being out to sea. Not sure where we were in the ocean, just that it felt like we were hundreds of miles from land. In front of us, or should I say below was a gargantuan underwater chasm that extended into a series of labyrinthine caves. The water surrounding us was so strikingly blue and clear which allowed us to see this marvel in such great detail. Some minutes later a huge whale-like creature surfaced and seemed to want to play. Apparently this is it's home and also what we'd come for, a new species that had never been discovered until recently and so far the only one of its kind. It was as big as a sperm whale and highly resembled one although it looked like something that had survived from the age of the dinosaurs too. Over the bottom part of its head was a mask of sorts that looked like a giant seashell and under it extended a small trunk like that of an elephant. It was navy blue in color save for the shell which was off-white with iridescent material that subtly reflected a multitude of colors in the sunlight. We got into the water to play with it but naturally I was afraid of it. It seemed as harmless and playful as a dolphin but it's immense size is what scared me and I could easily be crushed and drowned by the beast. The captain was the only one who played with it while me and my other colleague hung back and observed. Seems the captain had been here plenty of times before as the both of them had developed quite a bond. You would think a man was simply playing with his dog with how the dynamic was. Some time passed in an instant and we were back on land walking through a Walmart parking lot of all places. We had apparently brought the creature back with us but it had begun a process of shrinking itself down to the size of a small bear. How it went from being the size of a small kaiju to this is beyond me but apparently it had such a convenient ability. It ran around on its flippers and what looked like stubby hindlegs while still acting just like a dog. It really was quite a cute creature. No one around seemed to find it unusual though. I petted it to find that it's skin was naturally quite rubbery and stayed wet too. I wondered how we would possibly be let into the store with this guy and then I just abruptly woke up.