freaking out christians

Date: 12/6/2020

By camijane

i got caught doing something illegal and the police gave me the choice to either go to jail or stay at this religious christian place for a while. i chose the latter cause i didn't wanna go to jail and my mom drove me to this bright pink building that it was at. of course, the first thing i told them was that i'm a satanist. the group leader was just like "oh.." lmao she didn't have as much of a reaction as i wished she did we had to fill out these 'get to know you' sheets for her to read aloud to the while group and, of course, the first thing i wrote was that i was a satanist (and i even drew a little inverted pentacle) she read it aloud to the group and this girl with bangs started glaring at me (to which i responded with an eyebrow raise at her) but this other girl in a yellow dress started flirting with me. payton was there with me and he thought it was hilarious