Poor Man's Ryan Gosling

Date: 9/29/2017

By FireflyInDaylight

I was at the mall and I ran into a guy who looked like Ryan Gosling only less attractive and more creepy, with a mustache. He approached me and started talking to me like he knew who I was. He seemed familiar to me but I couldn't place him. He was giving me a very creepy vibe so I walked away. He then kept showing up everywhere I went and he kept asking me why I didn't remember him. Then I went to this small townhouse to hide from him but he now had a couple more people with him and they had the house surrounded. Then I started getting flashes of memories of this guy and he had done something bad to me, but I don't know what. I just had these feelings of intense fear and dread. I think he may have kid napped me or made me do something? I can't remember but he just made me sick and gave me this feeling like I had a cold stone in the pit of my stomach and the feeling stayed with me even after I woke up.