
Date: 11/14/2018

By irateindian

So my mom and I were in a hot air balloon going to visit my uncle in texas but this dude shot us down and we crash landed in the middle of the desert but there was an oasis town nearby. I saw it as a birds eye view and it was like a ton of greenery in the town and it just ended right at the edge of the town but there was like nobody outside. we were running from that guy who shot us down and we got to the town. At some point my mom had turned into my friend sam. there was some college in this town, so we go to the college campus and everyone seems like robots and they're being herded around by these people in masks. the people were like those clockwork guys that episode of dr. who where the doctor, rose, and mickey were on a space ship and they went through these mirrors on the ship and got attacked by those clockwork guys. very creepy. so we go into this building which turns out to be an auditorium. everyone turns and stares at us in silence when we walk in. We came in from the top of the lecture hall so we walk down the stairs and out the front door. the professor was one of the masked guys. so we just like back out and start walking down the hall and theres security guards in masks at every entrance. These masks were creepy masks with like broad grins painted on them and lifeless eyes. Up until this point nobody on the campus had said a word or done anything besides stare at us as we walked by. as I was walking by one security guard in the hallway i reached over amd pulled off his mask and it was just some white dude with a beard. at first he looked confused and angry but then he just kinda went blank and walked away, like he was being controlled by something. at this point the guy who shot at us was still chasing us but i had to piss and there were no bathrooms. so I managed to find a hidden stall embedded into a wall and the screws were those little twisty handles you use to open the door and lock it. so i went in and sam waited outside but while i was in there the guy who had shot at us walked in. i saw his boots under the stall door. he was just standing there waiting and i was super nervous and decided to make my escape. luckily i had a toy in my pocket that played a recording of someone professing their love for whatever reason, so I slid it under the stall and it activated behind the guy in another room and he thought someone was calling him to profess their love for him. the guy got all excited and ran to see who was professing their love for him. i knew that was my chance so i busted out of the stall and made for the door. but i had left too early and the guy hadnt fully left the room yet. right as i busted out of the stall he turned and looked at me and grinmed, at which point i woke up. i assume that if that was real life i would have died right afterwards, but luckily it was just a dream.