Red Bath House

Date: 7/2/2019

By leahc1127

This dream started off with my two good friends Angelina and Nathaniel we were walking down this road and my friend Angelina had to pee so she starts to run down this road towards this bath house where there’s bathrooms showers and changing rooms, I see her ex nick and yell nick Angelinas going to pee!! And we finally get to the red bath house and the thing about this bath house is in previous dreams this same place had been there and I’ve been in it multiple times. Nick was in the entrance to it and yelled out “where’s the contractor?” And when we looked the whole area was flooded and the building was out of order, the dream switched to me being at my house and my parents saying they were taking us to the fair when I asked if that meant I could still go with my friends another time and they said no I told them I wasn’t going and they changed the plan to going to palace play land which is a on the pier fair type place which I’ve been wanting to go to.