Swim Team Retreat

Date: 3/4/2019

By Greywaren15

This dream is actually very pretty if I describe it well. The backstory for this dream is pretty easy to explain. I am a swimmer on a High School swim team, but not for m own school. We go to practice, change, and then walk out with our bags. The dream is somehow a warp between practice, a Meet, and a vacation. Along with bets full jade palaces. ;) I walked off the cold bus, gasping when I walked into the most beautiful scene I have ever seen. Imagine a beautiful new planet, with bright crystal blue. Now imagine water in its most beautiful form, shining like brilliant diamonds. It was a massive pool, gorgeous in every way. My two coaches who were dressed in suits for some odd reason, called the team to together and told su to go and change into our swimsuits. I walked into the supposed bathroom. Which non retrospect wasn't. (Imagine a maze entrance but instead of hedges it is made our of bright emeralds.) We walked down these corridors And then I was all alone in a few moments. People and children populated the massive personal changing rooms that had waterfalls coming from the walls (Think of a small slit at the top of the wall That spews a perfect curtain of crystal water. More gorgeous) I went in to change and then walked out. AS I walked out, I couldn't find any of my teammates! All I could find was my wo coaches and another black haired women. They looked at me funny and said, "Your still wearing your pants!" I apologized, and ran back into the bathroom. I cam back out after changing, only to be told to come out with all of my stuff in my bag. By the time all of my swim mates were waiting on me. I ran back inside to grab my bag, only to come out and find the trio stomping their feet, telling me I had missed the bus to the swim retreat. In confusion I asked what it was saying that I thought we were here for a swim meet, not to catch a bus. The lady answered by showing me a video of all of the swimmers playing in a lake surrounded by log cabins and a beach. I was jealous and depressed that I had missed t, crying when they said I was banned from swimming with them. Forever. I woke up with tears running down my face, and I had to repeatedly tell myself that was was in my mind wasn't reality.