Never Play Spirit Games in Dreams

Date: 2/4/2020

By SagittariusDreamer

I usually stay away from games that have something spiritual to do with them. Ouija boards, Charlie Charlie, Bloody Mary, The Midnight Game, I stay away from all of that whether it's real or not. Well, I guess I must've been desperate in my dream, because I decided to play some game that helps you gain wealth. You knock on the door twice, think of your mother's name, and what you want (wealth, in this example). I had learned it in a YouTube livestream that I was watching during the dream, and, again, I was desperate since I'm unemployed. So, after (unsuccessfully) showing off my cool poster to the livestream, I decided to try the game. I went over to a wall and closed my eyes, leaning my forehead against the wall and knocking twice. I felt a sense of dread, like someone would knock back. That must've been my common sense telling me not to continue, but I did anyways. I thought of my mom's name. Literally, I thought 'My mom's name.... hm.. Wealth.' That's probably what messed the whole thing up. I don't remember if anything happened next, but I woke up in my bed. My actual, real life bed. I thought I was awake, but my consciousness was fading, I thought I was having another dizzy spell. I tried to right myself by moving my arms and looking at my hands, but whenever I tried to look at my the movement, they weren't there. I paused, looked away, then tried again. Soon, I couldn't even lift my head anymore. That's when I really started to panic. I tried to call out for my mom, but it came out really slurred and tired-sounding. Luckily my sister was in the bathroom, so she hurried and got mom for me. They both came in to see what was up. At this point, I couldn't lift my entire upper body and my speech was getting worse. I didn't know if I was having a stroke or if I was already dead. Eventually I started burning up and panting. It was a scorching heat welling up inside from my back and through my chest. Mom tried to get me some water, and I tried to tell her I already had water at the end of my bed, but I could hardly do that. I don't think they could even hear me anymore, all I could do was pant and wheeze as they tried to figure out what was going on. I actually woke up after that, laying in the same position, burning feeling still there with my mouth wide open. I don't know if I was actually panting in my sleep, since I snapped straight awake. My first instinct was to look at my hands, then sit up to make sure I was actually awake this time.