
Date: 3/23/2019

By LucyElla

In the dream I looked like me but was a little girl me and two of my friends were getting ready to go somewhere we went into this shop and the owner who was working there was very dodge none of us trusted him we did something that i can't remember but he was annoyed at us us and said we had to leave but then we heared he had rats in the store and people were coming to get rid of them so we decided to stay we walked around seeing if we could catch one my friends had a bowl and a tub to put over it I hadn't found any thing yet so I looked at a verse but it was top small for the rat we then saw some near the corner my friend got out am electric fly squoter but I told him he couldn't use it because I didn't want the rat to get hurt he put his hand on the racket to show me it was off but it slightly electrocuted him so i said no then the owner came over to us and I argued with him he was an awful person and didn't care for other people when we wouldn't leave he picked me up and and was touching my butt and keeping me way to close to him i tried to tree myself but it wasn't working I bit him and my friend was trying to hit him to let me go then i screamed the loudest I got he fanily let me go my friend then kicked him in the stomach and by this point people were looking at his so I make sure I sounded at him to never go near me again or I would call the police for harassment then we ran away luckily my house was only a few minutes away we got in and I locked the door my mum in the dream was different to my real mum and I had 2 siblings but when my mum saw me go upstairs she told me I couldn't go upstairs because I had a boy with me but couldn't go in the living room because she was watching tv so I sat on these two chairs i had in the hallway suddenly Leon was there so I told him what happened and it was weird because in the dream I was sort of aware it was a dream because I was talking to Leon as if I was already out the dream I told him about how when I bit the owner it did nothing and as I was screaming for him to get off me no sound was coming out my mouth I was scared and upset i started to cry a little bit while telling him what happened but then he was crying well because I was and then the dream ended.