Date: 3/21/2019
By MissKate
I am on the Island, looking for the farm on an aerial map. It is not west as I was sure it would be, so I check North. I am getting snitty with my best friend about not being able to find it and then Sarah says - “what’s this?” And points to the farm on the map, east of the fallow lands and the ruin of a great cathedral. It’s in a different spot than I remembered it. In any case I apologise to her and thank her, then dump the large handful of kidney beans I am holding in my hand over the farm marked on the map and teleport there. I am on the grounds of the farm. They are covered in snow. As I approach the building, a cat leaps off one of the tables and bounds past my feet. The wind is howling. I worry if I come too close to the building I’ll be caught on camera. Instead, I fight the weather to find the sign against which the skull is fixed. I want to find it and smash it and throw it into the sea. But It is hard to find and I wake up before I can do this.