Wedding Madness

Date: 4/22/2020

By wahblamy

I have many dreams that frustrate me to no end and make me angry. They soon morph into quite scary dreams, manifesting out of those uncomfortable emotions. The first part that I can remember is being at a Tim Hortons and there were a whole bunch of us (people my age) and we had to line up to pay our rent. It was like we were all hanging out and then we had to line up. When I got to the teller I was short money by quite a bit after using a debit card, two credit cards and shovelling change out of my bag. This whole process took a little while and people in line were getting impatient. The guy right behind me in line though, was cute and wanted to help me. I was flattered and blushing but did not accept. Eventually I paid it all and got out of line. Max and Brenna were waiting for me. I don't quite remember what the vehicle was but it might have been 3 bikes. We biked along the shore at dusk and as we got closer to my house they split off from me. I was scared to be in that area alone at that time and hollered out to them but they said I would be fine. I ran into a couple people but I can't remember what happened. Next, I am in a really big house that is my mom's. We are all getting ready for her wedding to Marc. Everyone is talking flowers and food and clothing, it's a little hectic. I feel very false about the whole thing. It's apparent that she is marrying Marc "because she has to" (or wants to) but will not be with him afterwards as a loving couple. I come into the bedroom and my grandmother is sitting on the edge of the bed looking extremely old and tired. I go over to give her a hug and she has weird huge lips, I ask her what happened and she says my Auntie Heather put a few injections in for the wedding. Her and I walk over to the mirror and we see that a small part of her lip is pushing outward like a pollop, about the size of a twinkie! Heather says it will be fine. I call my friend Brenna and ask her if she can come to the house and the wedding to give me some moral support. I'm unsure whether she comes. Next thing you know I'm in the gets a little fuzzy from here... Suddenly the wedding is with me as the bride and a stranger as the groom. I had been stolen from my family as a little girl and raised with a new one. I was trying to run away and it was all chaotic. I don't remember much else really. The end.